Sunday, November 28, 2021

My mom's vintage treasures

Amongst the remnants left-over from my childhood, there are the few things that my mom has kept stored upstairs in her attic all these many years. Beautiful Easter baskets, vintage decorations, etc. These Shiny Brite glass tree ornaments are part of what she had saved. 

An old pic my mom took with her polaroid camera of our Christmas tree when we lived in a second floor apartment on Church Street in Robesonia, PA before my brother was born ...

Me in the apartment on Christmas Day 1966.

After her house flood a couple of years ago, she decided to go through some of the old things she had and asked if I wanted anything. Of course, I wanted her original glass balls for my tree. This is a pic of my Victorian Tree I decorated years back after we moved into our house using my mom's old vintage pink and silver glass balls ...

We also had one of these when I was a kid ... anyone remember them?


  1. OMG! We had the same tree! And the rotating colored disk! Ma had glass bulbs that were fuchsia and silver with a sort of thumbprint indentation on the front. My favorite color is not pink so when a few of those ornaments broke, I wasn't sad. When I was 10, Ma did the living room in white so the silver tree went out and white tree came in decorated with gold ornaments. That year I got a white parka with gold fleur de lis embroidered on it. They took a picture of me in front of the tree and I'm camouflaged! 😸

  2. Your Mother's holiday ornaments were kept in perfect condition. I love those old glass ornaments and haven't seen them since I was a child. All the photos are great. That rotating colored light was quite popular, but we didn't have any.
