Saturday, November 27, 2021

Weekend happenings ...

Every year, it is my tradition to take down the fall and Samhain decorations and put out my Yule/Christmas things on Black Friday. This year, my sister Aurora Skye joined me! Thursday evening after dinner, I stripped the Halloween tree of its' ornanaments and replaced the purple lights with the colored ones ...  

Brought down the boxes of tree decorations from the attic - with Merlin's help, of course ...  

And so yesterday, we began our decorating!

DONE!!! ...

The Sir Leo seal of approval! ...

Next, we set up and decorated the Mermaid Tree in the altar room downstairs ...

And, since The Mint Leaf is located directly down the road from my house we decided to stop off and check things out. While there, I found these sweet items ...

Holiday slate coasters ...

A new tree ornament ...

A little something to try for calming down Merlin ...  

A pair of handcrafted leaf earrings made of clay and festive decorative wooden earrings ...  

And a mood ring as well ...

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Your tree is lovely - and I noticed that you wisely kept the ornaments out of the lower range where the kitties could get them. The mermaid tree seems to have a soothing, calming effect.
    Wow, I haven't seen a mood ring in a long time. I used to wear one when I was a California hippie.... Have a great weekend (or what's left of it).

  2. Your decorations are so pretty. I really like the porcelain doe. We're not sure if we're putting up the tree inside or out in the sun room this year. The kitties are curious and adventurous especially Quill.
