Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Blogger vs. Facebook


Back in September of 2010, I started a blog at the behest of a good friend. Naturally, being a Solitary Wiccan Priestess and practitioner of Wicca for many years, I wished to write about my thoughts and experiences - maybe even help educate others about it as I was educated through the years and perhaps provide some information for those who were interested in learning. At that time it was a choice between Blogspot and Wordpress. Blogger seemed a lot more user friendly by far and so I began my journey using Blogspot (Blogger). 

At that time, Blogger was supported by both Yahoo and Google accounts, UNTIL Google decided they would no longer allow it for whatever the reason and BAM! - every Blogspot account LOST hundreds of followers within a day! In my case, I lost over 100! Talk about pissed off ....you bet! It took me years and hundreds of blog posts to reach that many people and Google took them all away in a heartbeat.

Along with a hell of a lot less blog followers, the comments dwindled immensely! Now, considering the fact that there are approximatley 1.8 billion websites and more than 570 million blogs active, it's a logical conclusion to make that there must be millions of bloggers as well. Based on the forecast, the number of bloggers is around 32 million as of 2021 in the United States alone. Something to think about!

At one point, and against my better judgement I might add, I had decided to ask a good friend and another fellow Wiccan to help me set up a Facebook account for my Wiccan Life blog as another vehicle to reach people. Well, it worked - I currently have 3,000 followers in less than a year on my Facebook page, but very little to no feedback what-so-ever via comments or interaction. In fact, I get more feedback on my Blogger site.

Truthfully, the only reason that I had ever started a personal Facebook account of my own in the first place was to keep in touch with old classmates and such - not to actually meet new people per se. I can not tell you how many times I almost walked away from both Facebook AND my blog! Somehow however, I am still plugging on - at least for the time being.

If anything, my Facebook account will bite the dust before I leave Blogger because I can NOT stand the drama and BS that truly encompasses Facebook and its' media circus. Their so-called "Fact Checks" are a complete joke and have recently been exposed in court by the Facebook founder himself for what they are - merely Zuckerberg and his staff's liberal (or more accurately "not-so liberal/open-minded") "opinions." No thanks. Although it is far from perfect, I prefer to stick with Blogger - for better or worse. 


  1. I abandoned Facebook many years ago. It's a great place to stay in touch with relatives and friends - but they want FAR too much personal information. And, of course, they hate anyone who's not a Marxist liberal. I much prefer Blogger.

    I hope my comment appears. The last time I had to sign in to my Google account four times before the comment thing would work. It's really strange...

    1. GOT your comment, much appreciated, Jon! And you are spot on about Facebook!! Marxist liberal describes it PERFECTLY.

      BTW, I just found a way to BLOCK their bots and rid myself of their BS "fact checkers" - it works! YAY! lol
