Saturday, December 25, 2021

Holiday weekend happenings

Greetings, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday (Yule, Christmas, or whatever special holiday your family happens to celebrate at this time of the year). 

It has been a pretty busy last couple of days, Yesterday, I picked up my Pumpkin Spice Snickerdoodle cookie order (for our family Christmas dinner) at Chef Jesenia's house. While there, we exchanged gifts. She gave me two small bags ...

One of the bags had these two especially delicious cupcakes in it - a Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcake and a Chocolate Peppermint cupcake ...

The other bag had a cool purple long-sleeved hoodie in it. I gave her a couple of little items and this handmade heart wreath. She messaged me this morning to thank me (and sent me this pic) and she said she loved it as she is planning on decorating her house with roses for Valentine's Day ...

Also, my other friend from work, Rosa, surprised me with this lovely aromatherapy gift set ...

Sweet Rosa! Thank you so much!

One of my gifts from hubby was this very COOL metal cat mermaid plate ... I plan to put it somewhere in the cats room, of course.

The cats opening their special baggie of goodies from Nana Rita (my mom) ...

And, my cat mommy card (supplied by hubby on the cat's behalf). It plays, "Deck the Halls" and lights up ... 🐱

After we exchanged our gifts on Christmas morning, we headed out to pic up my mom for dinner at my MIL's house ...

It was just a small, quiet day with our very small family. My mom baked a PA Dutch family favorite - a Wacky Cake (a moist fudge cake) ...

After we returned home for the remainder of the evening, we spent some quality time with our fur babies. The following pics are of Butterscotch enjoying a cat video of a mouse running around on the laptop screen. He loves it! LOL!


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all!

  2. Hey, I'm here again, hoping that I'll be able to comment without those pesky Blogger glitches!

    Sounds like you had a pleasant holiday - and the food looks great. I especially like the pumpkin spice cookies and your Mother's fudge cake. The metal Purrmaid plate is so cute and unusual.

  3. It certainly looks like you had a great day.

    All the best Jan
