Sunday, January 30, 2022

Monday this and that ...


Yesterday, it was a fairly nice day out, albeit a COLD one.  After all, it is only halfway between winter and spring, so I decided to venture out and do a little bit of shopping. I stopped off down the road to "The Mint Leaf" and found a few nice items ...  

A neat t-shirt that reads, "My words are empty vessels if I do nothing in this place." 

They also had a whole assortment of Demeter fragrance spray. I bought the Blueberry and Transfixed. They smell heavenly!

And, while out and about, I picked up a little treat for hubby and I ...

And, last but not least, I have been considering replacing my cat blog, "The Cat Cottage" which was hacked into by some a-hole (who apparently had nothing better to do than to mess with my blog). My techie hubby had tried to help me recover it, but so far to no avail and since it has been two years now since I have been able to DO anything at all with it, I would have to start all over again! I would actually have to have my husband copy and paste my blog posts one by one from it and email them to me so that I can clean them up and post them again because for some reason he can see them on his PC but I can NOT on ANY of my three laptops regardless of search engines or internet protection ... 

I can not even figure out how to get my blog posts to post at the actual correct time in which I post them. Example, right now it is 1:41am and I am publishing this post even though it will show up on my blog a couple of hours earlier according to Blogger time. 

Wishing everyone a great week! ✌


  1. Fun purchases. Very cool labels on the wine and mead bottles. Blogger gotta love it or hate it. Good luck.

  2. I'm late in reading blogs...
    I always enjoy seeing the unique things that you buy. I could use some of that Goblin Mead to get me through the winter.
    It's really too bad about your Cat Cottage blog - and it's infuriating to know it was hacked. These sadistic bastards derive pleasure in ruining the lives of others.

    My old Texas blog "Lone Star Concerto" still exists, but for some strange reason I'm not able to access it. I've tried everything with no luck.

    1. I TOTALLY agree with you! I believe there is a special place in Hell for those rotten bastards IMO!
