Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Moose Chronicles

Anyone who has actually been following my blog for a little while is certainly familiar with my friend Renee's fur baby "Moose." Renee and her hubby, Jon,  adopted Moose from a local shelter just before his 8th birthday. Since then, he has had his share of health issues, but he has a wonderful, loving cat mommy and daddy who take excellent care of him every day!

This week was Renee's birthday and so I thought I would publish a post dedicated to her and Moose. And so here goes ...

A week in the life of a cat who has, according to Renee, changed her life. She told me that she used to be terrified of cats and admits that the first couple of weeks after she brought him home they kept their distance from one another. I remember her telling me that she believes that he knew that she was afraid of him (cats) and waited for her to come to him. The rest is history ...

"The great hunter proudly displays his (toy) fish." ~ Renee

"It was either him or a ghost. Either is possible but the ghost doesn't usually lick the fancy feast can clean." ~ Renee

"I'm in jail because I stole a buttered sweet potato off someone's dinner plate. Please post bail."- Moose

Moose apparently thought that the pine needles which had fallen all over the floor resembled cat litter. LOL!

"Moose is learning to skateboard."

Playing with the empty clam shells that Renee sprinkled with a little kitty nip: "
Happy as a clam. Jon has made us clam chowder for dinner and Moose is hoarding a pile of shells after batting them around the kitchen. (Yes, they're cooked. Yes, he got a clam. Yes, he was supervised during his antics.)" ~ Renee


and ... DONE!
I just caught Jon cooking a single shrimp just for Moose
🤣🤣🤣. I love these two so much." ~ Renee

A special Christmas present for Renee handmade by an artist friend. The rune on the right is Freya (whose chariot was pulled by a team of cats) and the rune symbol on the right is a vegvisr, the Norse compass. A talisman to always help you find your way. The flip side of the one on the right is the rune for Thor and the flip side of the one on the left is another vegvisr. And, of course, the middle piece was taken from a photo of Moose.

Jon: "Birthday brownies for the birthday girl! Moose is always 😂."

"The best $50 I've ever spent was his adoption fee!"

Moose's happy newlywed cat guardians - Jon and Renee.

1 comment:

  1. Moose is a beautiful cat and it looks like he has lots of personality. I'm glad he's in a loving home.
