Sunday, February 06, 2022

Sunday odds and ends

Today was my only day off as will be typical for a long, long time. So I spent the day with my mom doing a bit of shopping. On my way to her house, I made a pit stop down the road to "The Mint Leaf" for a couple of items. One of those items was this beautiful gemstone called "Blue Obsidian." The uses for this stone are:

1) It enhances communication and lingual skills.

2) It gives strength and patience.

3) Good for grounding and protection.

For more about Blue Obsidian click on this link:

We frequented two different Dollar Stores - or should I say $1.25 stores NOW !

Some Spring decorations for the the front yard ...

A pack of fun removable tattoo's ... lol

And a cute St. Patty's Day hair bow ...

Have a good week everyone!


  1. You always find fun and interesting things. The bunny pokes are very cute. Sadly, another day of freezing rain here.

    1. So far all we are getting that I can see are squalls and flurries. Supposedly the temps are to go up this week, but who knows? Take care!

  2. I like the hair bow :)

    Happy February Wishes.

    All the best Jan
