Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Alternatives to Conventional Medicine (Part One)

For many long years my father had suffered from chronic arthritis pain throughout his entire body. His doctors had tried several different treatments including physical therapy in combination with pain meds.

Until they finally decided to try something different. It is an alternative to conventional methods and is called Radiofrequency Ablation for arthritis pain. It is a procedure which involves using an electrical current by a radio wave to heat up a small area of nerve tissue, thereby decreasing pain signals from that specific area. This procedure is known for producing very good results which typically relieve pain for about 5 or 6 months.

A pic of my dad, Bill and my mom, Elrita taken on Mother's Day 2012

I remember my dad told me that he had noticed immediate results. His appetite had returned and he was able to function much, much better than before. My mom told me that he was doing great! I can't tell you all how happy and relieved that made me! I also continued to give him his reiki treatments as he loved how they relaxed him so.


  1. So good that this procedure brought your dad relief.

  2. I fully believe in the benefits of alternatives to conventional medicine. The drugs and medications generally used nowadays do far more harm than good - and doctors seem to be obsessed with writing prescriptions.

    1. Exactly, Jon! IMO, the real reason doctors, hospitals, and even veterinarians refuse to offer alternatives to conventional medicine is because there is FAR TOO MUCH MONEY in it for them to not throw you on RX drugs and put you through some surgeries not necessarily needed! Really pisses me off!

    2. Oh yes, and let's not forget BIG PHARMA! :-(
