Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday odds and ends

 Greetings all! Well, here we go, it is snowing AGAIN! Although it is not supposed turn into anything major, I am impatiently counting the days until SPRING!! ...

We woke up to this. The view of our driveway taken from the front door (and yes, it is still currently coming down) ...

On Tuesday while on my way to my doctor's appointment, I drove via one of our back country roads. Up ahead, I saw this pitiful face ...

(Of course I was unable to get an actual pic of her while driving, so I Googled a similar photo for the purposes of this post.)

At first my heart sunk because I thought to myself, "Oh no! Some freaking (I used another word instead) asshole speeding along this road (as always!) has hit this poor little girl!" She was not actually lying on the road as if she were hit? It looked as though she perhaps started to cross the road but got "stunned" and just beared down in the middle of the road! As I drove by her, just inches away from her face, I could see that she was still alive. Of course there was little I could do to help her at that point. So, after my doctor's office visit, I drove home taking the same road - I was quite hesitant - not knowing what I would witness. Lo and behold she was gone off of the road. The good news is that there was no sign at all that she was hit - no blood, no body, no NOTHING on the road! 🌲

As for today, I am playing catch up with the laundry and hanging out with my "kits" who are safe and warm in the house ...


Sir Leo

Miss Ginger



  1. It is freezing this weekend. There is ice here in TN but no snow. I am literally counting the minutes until spring. Winter can't end soon enough!!!
    Hopefully the little roadside deer wasn't hurt. From what you described, it seems like she was just scared and confused.

    I like the photos of your fur babies. It's lonely here with just me and Bosco.....I need to have more kitties around.

    1. I am with you, Jon! THINK SPRING!!!!

      And, yes I definitely agree that you NEED more kitties to be surrounded by!

  2. LOL
    I enjoyed your funnies :)

    Happy Sunday and happy new week too.

    All the best Jan

  3. We were supposed to get a dusting of snow. I've already shoveled 3 inches and it's still coming down! I'm so looking forward to the warm up predicted later this week. Your kitties are so sweet. Head butts all around.
