Thursday, February 10, 2022

Alternative Medicine (Part Two)

In my previous post, I talked about my dad's experience with alternative medicine when he received Radiofrequency Ablation therapy treatments. My dad was born with genetic heart disease and was also diagnosed with arthritis through out his entire body when he was only in his 40's. As is typically the case, these medical issues had only gotten a lot worse as he got older. For 30-some years he was prescribed the so-called "life saving" medications by his "Specialist" Physicians which only served to take him in the end. Why? Because his kidneys finally failed him after all those years of "life-saving" prescriptions. It may well have begun with his heart disease, but it was not what took his life in the end.

Alternative medicine and therapy treatments such as Reiki, Cold Laser Therapy, and, of course, Radiofrequency Ablation, are not offered by very many conventional doctors, hospitals, and even veterinarians. In my opinion,  the reason for this is simple - it is because there is FAR TOO MUCH money in it to be made for them and Big Pharma to not continue to dispense pills/medications, give shots, and perform abrasive and/or aggressive surgeries. This literally makes me sick to my stomach - seriously folks. 

The only reason I even know anything what-so-ever about Cold Laser Therapy is because we had an excellent veterinarian years back who performed this type of therapy on our kitty, Midnight. Does this work well on people as well? Yes! It was actually practiced on humans before it was used on animals.  

This past Tuesday, I had my first visit with my mom's Family Practitioner as my former doctor had recently retired. Her name is Dr. Amy Guiles and I was very impressed with her. She is one of those rare doctors who believes in trying alternative solutions to medical problems such as herbal supplements, natural remedies, etc. before shoving unnecessary pills/medications into ones' body ...

She told me, "I am not a fan of dispensing medications without good reason." She further explained to me that she is "not a part of that group of doctors" in as far as like most other doctors would rather just give you pills and/or shots rather than perhaps explore other, possibly better alternatives to those medical issues. In my case, she had suggested some over the counter supplements and natural herbal solutions for my arthritis, and, if they do not work, she assured me that she had "a few other tricks up her sleeve" before prescribing prescription medications. And, in regards to managing my high blood pressure. she instructed me to purchase a Blood Pressure Cuff and to use it daily while keeping a written record. The reason for this is because my blood pressure has been drastically up and down and this will give her an idea of where I stand with it. I will see her again in 11 weeks, but if my blood pressure would happen to be continuously higher than 140 over 90,  I am to inform her immediately. I told her that I completely agree with that plan of action.

Although I realize that not every medical problem can be resolved or managed with natural remedies, as a Wiccan, I strongly believe in going down that road first! 


  1. I totally agree. I wish I lived closer as I need a new PCP and your doctor sounds perfect.

  2. I'm so sorry that your father had so many health issues and had to deal with doctors who worshiped the pharma industry. It is very rare to find a doctor nowadays who will consider alternative treatments.

    I was diagnosed with leukemia when I was six years old. One doctor predicted that I wouldn't live to be twelve. To make a very long story short, I was given alternative treatments - - and I'm still here!

    1. I NEVER knew that, Jon! And I am extremely HAPPY that you are "still here!". :-D
