Saturday, February 26, 2022

The sweet and the sour


Last December, my employer decided to raise the starting minimum wage in order to be 'more competitive' and furthermore, give all of us an incentive to stay in that horrible environment. While everyone else was elated by the news, I had my trepidations. Why? Because, folks, I have definitely 'been around the block a few times' as the saying goes and I knew that we employees ("associates" as they refer to all of us) were going to pay the piper for it. Not only have we been pushed to work 10 hours a week overtime for a year now, but now we were informed that we are going to be forced to work mandatory Saturday's until the end of the year! The only time we can be 'excused' from it is if we work three Saturday's to get one off, OR we waste two PTO (paid time off)  days - Friday and Monday. My response to this BS is they can KEEP their pay raise - I want my life back. Period.

I have to be honest, this job has been THE WORST thing for my heath both medically and mentally. The initial reason I made an appointment with my new physician, Dr. Guiles, was because of the fact that my blood pressure was so high. Why do I blame my job for this? Well, besides the terrible stress of working there, my body has gotten so screwed up working second shift hours that I actually gained 50 (Yes, I said 50!) pounds in the two and a half years I have been employed there. 

As per my doctor's instructions, I have been keeping track of my blood pressure on a daily basis. It is still very high - 177 over 107. However, I have been taking the Collagen with Peptides for a week now (one scoop in my juice or tea twice a day) and it is too soon to really notice much of a difference (the Peptides are suppose to help bring my levels down). But, because Collagen is good for arthritic joints, I am beginning to feel a lot less pain in my bad knee. Happy about that. 😀

For example, money can not buy friendship. My case in point, the day after my birthday, my co-worker and friend, "Sweet Rosa" as I have nick-named her, surprised me at work with this beautiful and very thoughtful gift ... A Tree of Life gemstone necklace with rose gold.

I must add that the ONLY good thing that had come from working at this godforsaken job are the few good folks I have met! And I do not regret that.


  1. It really upsets me to know how miserable you are working at that rotten job - and how it is destroying your health. I wish you could quit and find something better, but that is much easier said than done. Most jobs are nothing more than slave-labor, and some are worse than others.

    I can identify with high blood pressure because I've had it since I was in my 20s. The stress and problems never seem
    to cease..... I hope that somehow your negative situation can be alleviated.

    On the bright side - your Tree of Life necklace is really beautiful.

    1. I agree, Jon. We can adjust your diet accordingly, exercise, etc. But the stress factor is much harder to get rid of. Just a part of life in general I suppose.

      Yes, the necklace is very pretty and special because it was a thoughtful gift from a thoughtful friend!

  2. So sorry to hear job stress has wreaked havoc with your health. It seems to be an employee market for jobs. Maybe there's something else out there for you with better hours, excellent pay and bennies, and being valued as an employee.

    1. Thanks, CJ. I have not exactly given up hope of a better job yet. I will take a full-time job with benefits and day hours only, for less than what I am making now because my health and happiness are worth A LOT more! The job market here in Reading/Berks County is pretty sparse so it may take a lot longer, Still trying ... :-)

  3. So sorry to read that your job has caused so much stress and health issues.
    Perhaps in the not too distant future a better job will materialise for you.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
