Monday, March 07, 2022

Motto, anyone?

I thought that this was pretty cool! Enjoy!!

Aries Motto

"When you know yourself, you're empowered. When you accept yourself, you're invincible." 

A for assertive
R for refreshing
I for independent
E for energetic
S for sexy

Taurus' Motto

"Nothing worth having comes easy."

T for trailblazing
A for ambitious
U for unwavering
R for reliable
U for understanding
S for stable

Gemini's Motto

"I manifest my reality."

G for generous
E for emotionally in tune
M for motivated
I for imaginative
N for nice
I for intelligent

Cancer's Motto

"I feel, therefore I am."

C for caring
A for ambitious
N for nourishing
C for creative
E for emotionally intelligent
R for resilient

Leo's Motto

"If you know the way, go the way and show the way—you're a leader."

L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

Virgo Motto

"My best can always be better."

V for virtuous
I for intelligent
R for responsible
G for generous
O for optimistic

Libra's Motto

"No person is an island."

L for loyal
I for inquisitive
B for balanced
R for responsible
A for altruistic

Scorpio's Motto

"You never know what you are capable of until you try."

S for seductive
C for cerebral
O for original
R for reactive
P for passionate
I for intuitive
O for outstanding

Sagittarius' Motto

"Towering genius disdains a beaten path."

S for seductive
A for adventurous
G for grateful
I for intelligent
T for trailblazing
T for tenacious adept
A for adept
R for responsible
I for idealistic
U for unparalled
S for sophisticated

Capricorn's Motto

"I can succeed at anything I put my mind to."

C for confident
A for analytical
P for practical
R for responsible
I for intelligent
C for caring
O for organized
R for realistic
N for neat

Aquarius' Motto

"There is no me, there is only we."

A for analytical
Q for quirky
U for uncompromising
A for action-focused
R for respectful
I for intelligent
U for unique
S for sincere

Pisces motto

"Where's reality?"

P for psychic

I for intelligent

S for surprising

C for creative

E for emotionally-driven

S for sensitive


  1. This is such a fascinating post - I enjoyed reading it. I'm a Sagittarius, and the information was surprisingly accurate.
