Saturday, March 12, 2022

What's Up

What a last two weeks this has been! Although I am still applying for another job, in the meantime, I was pushed, more accurately forced, into being trained and signed-off on another job duty which much like most of the other jobs in my department is frustratingly difficult for me because of my amblyopia (aka "lazy eye"). To start with, working with microscopes is horrible because my eyes do not work together.

I had no choice but to agree to trying so for the last two weeks, I had been trained on what is called, "Probe Needle Holders." This job is not only extremely involved, but the paperwork and mandatory documentation are insane!

I had no real expectations what-so-ever of succeeding, but gave it my best shot at any rate. My assigned trainer, Deb, surprised me greatly because she was the only one in a room of about four other trainers who thought outside the box. In other words, her thought process was 'if we can't change your eyesight, we can change/accommodate the way in which you work'. She came up with idea, after idea as to how she could make things easier by working around my disability. Normally, trainers are made to sign-off their trainees after only three days! I was actually given 9, "thanks" to Deb who will be my personal trainer from now on.

My personal trainer, Deb.

I may still be held back to a degree as far as speed is concerned, but because I had such as wonderful, patient trainer, I at least have a much better chance now to succeed with that particular job duty. And, the credit goes to Deb who has been a huge factor in that regard. 

Moving on, we had our portion of the March snow today. They predicted 4-6 inches, which some parts of Berks County got hit with, but in my area we got about only two and very windy. But, then the temps luckily went up some and it quickly turned to slush ...

Showing off my new cat unicorn head phones that light up ... lol! Have a great evening everyone!


  1. Wonderful to hear you supervisor went above and beyond so you can succeed.

    Ugh, the view out your window looks like mine though we only got a dusting to an inch. It sure was windy though! Warm temps for the rest of the week and the snow should be gone by tomorrow. Hopefully this was the end of Winter

    You look cute in your headphones

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the difficulties you have to endure at work - especially with your eye problems. It's really a blessing, however, that you have a sympathetic trainer who obviously cares. That seems to be a rare thing nowadays.

    The weather here in TN is insane. 70 degrees last week and an ice storm yesterday. I don't know how much snow we got, but my guess is about 3 or 4 inches. It was 8 degrees last night!!!

    The cat-unicorn headphones are cute!
    Take care and hang in there.
