Wednesday, April 27, 2022

TBT: Respecting The Three-fold Law

I find that when teaching students, the one question which naturally seems to arise is, “Is it okay to use magick to protect myself?” The answer to this question is yes! We may indeed use magick to protect ourselves from the physical or psychological harm of another; however, we have to be extremely careful as to make sure that we are carrying out the spell properly. Protection spells, most especially banishings, must be thought through very carefully! For example, we must be absolutely positive that we are banishing the negative energy resulting from a persons’ actions – NOT the person them self! Our intent always plays a huge factor in any type of magickal working and spells for protection are no exception. Should you decide to write your own protection spell, you will need to choose your words wisely. I can not stress this enough!

The Three-Fold Law teaches us that whatever we send out into the universe, be it “good” or “bad” energy,” will come back to us three-fold. While this fact is undeniably true, The Three-fold Law further states, “Lest in thy self defense it be, ever mind the Rule of Three!” In other words, even in situations where we feel the need to protect ourselves, we must continue to abide by the Law of Three. Those who choose to ignore this, run the risk of suffering the very serious consequences of their actions. It is absolutely imperative that we respect this “universal law” as it is not to be taken lightly and certainly nothing to fool with. I have seen these kinds of spells go terribly awry when not thought through carefully enough! 

As it is with everything in nature, there is a “delicate balance” between banishing the negative energy directed toward us and drawing the positive aspect of a new beginning into our lives. When performed correctly, these types of spells can be highly effective and, even more importantly, will not manifest themselves in a negative way. Personally, I have found that using one white votive candle (to represent pureness of spirit) and one black votive candle (for banishing negative energy) works extremely well. 

Allow me to share one of my true experiences using a protection spell. I once had a very nasty supervisor when I worked at one of my office jobs. This woman was so horrible to me that she actually had me in tears on several occasions. So, I made the decision to perform a banishing for protection - not on her physically, but of her negative energy/presence in my life! Two nights after the spell, I had a dream that my former supervisor had approached me at my desk before the start of work and had asked to speak to me in the conference room, I remember feeling terrified because the dream ended and I woke up before I knew "why" she wanted to speak to me. The very next day, I arrived at work and this very same supervisor actually DID come over to my desk and asked to speak to me in the conference room! It turned out that she wanted me to come back to her unit because she "needed me back." I was so relieved and happy! It would appear that the banishing spell had worked. 

The fact still remains; however, that nothing is ever 100% full-proof and protection spells should only be used when absolutely necessary. Perhaps it would be helpful for us to remember that old adage, “What goes around, comes around".

Blessed be!


  1. Fran Moise said:
    Yes care is needed during banishing. During spells when I am asking for protection from negativity, I ask for that Karmic cord between us be severed and that person goes away and finds peace. Wrap them in pink Light and push them away.
    Archangel Michael is excellent for these matters.

  2. I just saw a meme that said Karma is only a bitch if you are. Interesting article.

    1. That DOES sound interesting! And very true indeed!!
