Monday, April 25, 2022

What's up?

Is it Monday already?? Well anyway, it's been busy as usual here. Friday, I took a PTO day from work and spent time running around with my mom to the local Dollar Store where I picked up this cute little mermaid sign. I decided to hang on my bathroom door.

Then on Saturday, my sister and I attended a Pretzel and Beer Fest in West Reading, PA. All of the local stores were having sales. I bought this helpful new book at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

Along with these hand-crafted votive candles I intend to use for my Beltane ritual in May. And, this cool garden sign ...

We also stopped into "The Gem on Penn" and I picked up this tall candle for my Full Moon rituals.

Upright position: The Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. In a state of expanded consciousness, we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul's integrity, where the membrane between the self and the unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality re-enters the ocean of being. What transpires next is between a soul and its maker.

Reversed position: The Moon card reversed suggests that you might be deluding yourself, exaggerating or embellishing your version of a situation. Consider whether you are repeating an emotional, dramatic rendition of events rather than keeping to the bare facts.

The temptation to let yourself be swept away emotionally or psychically is understandable, but it doesn't help you find your balanced center in chaotic times.

As I had mentioned previously, I had a 5-Day job trial all last week for a position in another department. The idea of this is to have the opportunity to post out to another shift and/or department and basically find out if that job is a fit for you. As one of my co-workers stated, it is a "win-win" situation in that if you like the job you have the chance to stay in that department - if you do not like the job you still have your current job to go back to. 

The verdict: I decided to NOT take this job. For too many reasons to mention here. I will say this; however, the department was INSANLY fast-paced and the trainers were abrupt and rude! I guess it's true what they, "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."

If you have ever watched the tv show, "Monk". THIS is pretty much how I looked the entire crazy-ass week. I am used to having to wear blue coats and hair nets everyday in my own department, BUT I worked in what was called a "clean room" and had to wear a long white coat, hair net, and white booties. lol


  1. This is Jon -
    I've never previously had trouble commenting on your blog - but suddenly I'm having the same problem that I've had on other blogs. I can only comment anonymously. When I sign in to my Google account, I'm unable to comment at all. HOPEFULLY this will somehow be resolved.
    I think you made a wise decision concerning your job. And you're right - - the grass isn't always greener on the other side. It seems like the new job would bring a lot of stress and annoyance.
    The full moon rituals really fascinate me. A lot of intricate insights to learn and ponder.
    The "Cat Lovers Welcome" sign is great!

    1. Thank you, Jon! I appreciate your commenting more than words can say! Idk what is UP with Blogger? I just noticed that they added a "This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy ad Terms of Service apply" crap? WTF is THAT all about!
