Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday odds and ends

 Greetings and salutations, friends! Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Sunday, our family gathered at my husband's cousin's home for a delicious ham and mashed potato dinner. I just had to snap a pic of my MIL's Cavalier King Charles, Tulip, and my husband's cousin's newly adopted Border Collie named "Spanky". . .

This week, I am working in another department for what is called a 5-Day Trial as part of a job bid for a first shift position. It is called the Packaging Department. At the end of the week, they evaluate how you did and if they think you would be a good fit. If so, you have the option to accept the job or decline. It has only been two days, so it is hard to say if I actually like it or think that I AM up to the challenge of learning a very 'in depth" job position. And, of course, my eye disability (amblyopia) will also come into play.

Tomorrow I am planning to meet my sister Aurora Skye for dinner after work. She works until 5PM and this week I work 6AM to 2PM. I have to admit, I really missed coming home early enough to enjoy the remainder of my day!


  1. Tulip has a happy smile and Spanky is very cute. For a dog 😸 Good luck with your trial position. I hope it works out for what you want.

  2. The two bow-wows are beautiful. I've always liked King Charles spaniels - there is something regal about them.
    I sure hope things go well with your new endeavors in Jobland.
