Sunday, May 29, 2022

Weekend happenings ...


Greetings all! Well, it is Memorial Day weekend and a busy one at that. Yesterday, I spent a wonderful, much needed day out and about with my sister Aurora Skye. We had a delicious lunch at a local pub called, "Ganly's" and then frequented some other local stores in our area.

She also surprised me with a couple of very cool gifts ...

A beautiful mermaid coaster ...

and, a fantastic pair of Maneki Neko socks! ("Beckoning Cat")

Last night, I baked a batch of Memorial Day cupcakes to take along today to my husband's cousins house where we were invited (including my mom) for a cookout of sorts ...

Red Velvet with white and blue frosting.

Tomorrow, I plan on spending the day at home cleaning the house and doing some other much needed chores. As far as Memorial Day itself, today before we head out to the cookout, I will be joining my mom in placing flowers and a flag on my dad's gravesite. This is something that she does each and every year since he passed away.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Not the "Status Quo"

Status Quo: (n.) The existing condition or state of affairs; usual

Needless to say, I have been practicing Wicca and Paganism for a very long time. One thing that I have noticed about many non-pagans (and even some who are pagan) is the perception of who we are and what we believe in as a collective. Now, first of all just let me say that I have never been a fan of labels or generalizing anyone's personal convictions and/or personal beliefs. We are all individuals and as such we do not all think alike and we do not all have the exact same views on subjects such as our religion/faith, politics, family decisions, etc., etc.

Speaking only for myself, I am not what would be defined as a liberal nor completely conservative. I do not like, nor particularly wish to be, categorized as thinking like everyone else (Wiccan or other) just because the "majority" may think a particular way about something. 

I feel it is important that we all, as individuals, use our common sense and think for ourselves ... express our own views for our own personal reasons so long as those views do not impose on someone else's personal "rights." I do very strongly believe in both  The Wiccan Rede ("... and it harm none, do as you will") and The Threefold Law ("Ever mind the rule of three, What ye send out comes back to thee.")

To tell you the truth, I have never been what some may feel is the "status quo" in regards to anything in my life and my faith is most certainly no exception.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

TBT: Pet Protection Blessing/Spell

Several years ago, I used this blessing/spell to help my mother’s cat, Snowball, to get better - and thankfully, the Lord and Lady heard my prayer and it surely worked. I also use this particular ritual from time to time for my own pets as well. My husband, although he “claims” to be agnostic ;), has been studying the ancient runes for quite a few years now and gave me the idea to use them in this ritual. If they are sick, I use it as a “spell” and even if they are not, I like to use it as a blessing at Midsummer.
For each you will need: 
One 6 inch piece of square black felt
Fur or nail clippings and/or name tag (vaccination tags will also do)
Fabric paint (white) and brush
2 teaspoons of catnip (even if you have a dog or other kind of pet!)
¼ teaspoon garlic
2 teaspoons of dried cedar
One bay leaf
Cotton balls
Thread and needle
One brown candle
Protection Oil (see below)
Protection Oil: 1 part Sandalwood, 1 part Lavender, 1 part Rosemary and 1 part Dragon’s Blood
Fold the piece of black felt in half and sew two sides of it, leaving one side open. On one side of the bag paint your pet’s name and the rune symbols:
 = Algiz  (rune of protection)

= Eihwaz/Koad (forest rune) 

= Sowilo/Sigel (strength)

Pentacle symbol

Let it dry. Then charge the herbs to empower them and pour them into the pouch. Add the pet’s fur, etc.  Stuff the rest with the cotton balls to which you have added THREE drops of the Protection Oil. Sew the remaining side of the pouch closed and repeat the following incantation:
Keep the bag in a safe place, perhaps on your altar or where your animal can’t get to it.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

TBT: Flower Full Moon

Greetings all! Well, these aren't the BEST pics of Monday's Flower Full Moon, but the best that I could do at 11pm with a small digital camera and with limited range...


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Better late than never

This year, we decided to take my mom and MIL out for a sort of belated Mother's Day dinner. They both received flowers last Sunday, but we took them out today for a special Spaghetti Dinner held by the Pottstown Animal Wellness Services (P.A.W.S.) at The VFW in Sinking Spring, PA. This particular event was to raise money in order to benefit neutering/spaying cats.

My husband and MIL.

The dinner was delicious and included specially decorated white cupcakes that looked like spaghetti and meatballs!

Posing with my mom.

We all received one of these cool bracelets, too! ...


When in doubt ...

Well friends, it has been quite a rollercoaster of a week for me! It all began after I had responded to an email that I received from the Indeed employment site from a recruiter for a company called, "U.S. Digestive Health". They requested a phone interview for a Patient Care Representative at one of their call centers located in Wyomissing, PA. 

Okay, I thought, it is for a full-time, Monday through Friday day time job and close enough to home for me - so I agreed to speak to them. After the phone interview, they asked if they could have an on-line interview with me the next day. I explained to them that I do not have an I-phone or anything of the like other than my laptop. So, they agreed to set up an "in person" interview at their office building the next morning. 

I arrived for my interview where I, of course, had to answer a series of "you should hire me because ..." questions which I dreaded but certainly expected. I despise having "sell" or brag about myself honestly. After all, all one need do is READ about my 30-some years of experience and qualifications on my two page resume - not to mention my four references! As they were explaining all of the expectations and job duties, I realized that I was not comfortable with ALL of the technology and I was most certainly out of my league!! The training, which would take three weeks, would be VERY intense and vastly diverse - learning several different computer systems, all of the physicians, and their various office policies. And, considering that I am NOT up to speed on the technology that the current generation these days were basically breast fed on, I would have struggled far too much. As I walked out of the interview, I remember saying to myself, " I am not taking THAT job!" No matter, I said to myself, no worries, because I more than likely will not hear back form them anyhow. No biggie. 

Then, lo and behold don't I get a phone call offering me the position. Oh no! What do I do? One one hand, if I am not feeling confident about taking the job BUT on the other hand, at my age I may not get another chance to get back into an office job. I spoke to my husband for two days about what I should do? 

Long story short, I originally made the mistake of accepting it even though it would have been a $2.00/hour pay cut for me (mainly because I HATE my current job and shift so very badly). Then, for the next two days (while they were taking the time to perform my background check) I became physically sick to my stomach and I could not sleep either. I should have been at least somewhat happy and excited and of course a tad nervous which is only normal, BUT my gut was telling me much more than that. And so, at 4AM, I left my good friend, reiki master, and Wiccan High Priestess an email message explaining my trepidation and dilemma, hoping that perhaps she could give me a word of advise - not to mention she has worked in the medical field as a registered nurse all of her life therefore I knew that she had heard of this company before. We talked bit the next morning and she told me that if I had this much apprehension about it, there IS a reason and that I should trust in my instincts. Great advice - and that exactly what I did! That morning, I sent/emailed the recruiter a Letter of Reconsideration. A very nice one, too, I might add.

I KNOW that I had made the right decision to not accept that particular job. I will still continue to look for another job, but I will not simply take ANYTHING in order to leave my current job. That, to me, would be definitely setting myself up for failure and would eventually back fire on me. 

The day that I declined the job offer, my husband found these four and five leafed clovers while mowing our yard ...

In superstition, a five-leafed clover is even luckier than a four-leafed one and is said to bring even more abundance, prosperity and wealth. In the United States, the five-leaf clover represents faith, hope, love, prosperity, and fame. The five-leaf clover is not found very often, so it is uncommon to find one.


A friend of mine, ironically posted this on her FB page just yesterday ...

Giveaway Winners!

Good morning, my friends! As per usual, I enlisted the help of the kitties to pick the names of the winners ...

The winner of the Black Cat taper candle holder is CJ from her cool blog, CJ & Ink!

And, the winner of the "Cat with no Face" is Renee! CONGRATS to both winners! 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Giveaway Reminder

Happy Friday! Just a friendly reminder that the Giveaway drawing will be tomorrow so please be sure to check in. I have to work all day; however, I will let everyone know who won the two prizes before I leave. I will also let the winners know by contacting them on their blogs or my Facebook page site.  Thank you!

Sunday, May 08, 2022



Saturday, May 07, 2022

What's new


Back in 1998, I began a spiritual journey that became a lifetime personal commitment for me. Long story short, I became a Wiccan. Even though I was brought up into the Lutheran faith, I never quite felt it in my heart. Lots of questions in which my Christian up-bringing could not and would not explain - and that I could not accept at any rate. My mother was brought up into the Christian faith as was my father. But, my father was always a bit different from my mother in his beliefs. He, like myself, held a very sacred respect and love for nature. For this reason alone, my father had NO problem what-so-ever understanding my faith in Wicca - or in Reiki for that matter. 

Anyway, when I began my studies regarding Wicca, I spent a lot of time researching each and everything I could possibly find on the subject. I read tons of books and on-line websites (which was VERY new at that current time) absorbing all of the information that I could. 

It wasn't long before I began dairying everything that I had put into practice, everything which I had intensely studied. So, fast forward to today, I have finally decided to publish those entries from my original Book of Shadows into a new blog entitled, "In the Shadows".

It is still a work in progress, but I will do my best to keep it going!

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Fun Friday!

 Happy Friday, everyone! Well, it's Mother's Day weekend - even though I HAVE to work. Yes, folks, I am STILL looking and praying hard for another, BETTER job in which I will be happy with. Until then, I am still continuing to try. Last night after I got home from work, I had a rather pleasant surprise - my hubby gave me a bouquet of flowers! ...

And, I accidently came across this link I never knew about ~ lol! ...

Moving on, I had an idea for yet another blog (yeah, I know, I must be crazy). I began working on it last night after work. It is titled, "In the Shadows" and it contains the rituals, spells, and incantations taken from my own personal Book of Shadows. I have much to do with it yet, but I will tell you all more about it when I feel that it is ready. :) 

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Monday, May 02, 2022

Blog Giveaway Update

Greetings everyone and welcome to another Monday! My sincere apologies for taking so long to follow up on my blog giveaway, but finally here it is. Truth be told, one of the reasons that it took me so long is because I wanted to add one more item to my giveaway.

Giveaway prize one.

And now ...
Giveaway prize two! This picture of it does NOT do it justice as it is too dark to show the handmade details, but I bought this little beauty from a vendor a few years ago at one of our local craft faires and the woman whom I bought it from called it, "Cat with no Face". The tail is made out of a pretty black braid which you can not see very well here in my photo of it.

The drawing for these items will be on Saturday, May 14th. If anyone who has already shown an interest has a preference of which cat they would like to win, please let me know by leaving me a comment to this post. THANK YOU!

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Merry Beltane and Happy May Day!

I saw my family doctor this past Tuesday and she added something else to my daily regiment. Oh well, I will try anything natural rather than have to take RX drugs as long as it does the job ...

One of my thoughtful co-workers brought in a dish of homemade perogies filled with potatoes and bacon! She is Polish American - they were absolutely Delish! ...

While out with my mom on Friday afternoon, I saw this novelty pen set at "The Mint Leaf" that I just had to have. I have great week all!

"Never too early to start dreading Monday"
"I'm starting to feel sick tomorrow"
"This meeting could have been an email"
"Same thing, different day"
"Personally victimized by my daily alarm clock"