Monday, May 02, 2022

Blog Giveaway Update

Greetings everyone and welcome to another Monday! My sincere apologies for taking so long to follow up on my blog giveaway, but finally here it is. Truth be told, one of the reasons that it took me so long is because I wanted to add one more item to my giveaway.

Giveaway prize one.

And now ...
Giveaway prize two! This picture of it does NOT do it justice as it is too dark to show the handmade details, but I bought this little beauty from a vendor a few years ago at one of our local craft faires and the woman whom I bought it from called it, "Cat with no Face". The tail is made out of a pretty black braid which you can not see very well here in my photo of it.

The drawing for these items will be on Saturday, May 14th. If anyone who has already shown an interest has a preference of which cat they would like to win, please let me know by leaving me a comment to this post. THANK YOU!