Sunday, May 01, 2022

Merry Beltane and Happy May Day!

I saw my family doctor this past Tuesday and she added something else to my daily regiment. Oh well, I will try anything natural rather than have to take RX drugs as long as it does the job ...

One of my thoughtful co-workers brought in a dish of homemade perogies filled with potatoes and bacon! She is Polish American - they were absolutely Delish! ...

While out with my mom on Friday afternoon, I saw this novelty pen set at "The Mint Leaf" that I just had to have. I have great week all!

"Never too early to start dreading Monday"
"I'm starting to feel sick tomorrow"
"This meeting could have been an email"
"Same thing, different day"
"Personally victimized by my daily alarm clock"


  1. Your Beltane altar is very pretty. The tea sounds interesting, how does it taste? I always find herbal teas smell prettier than they taste. Perogies! My neighbor Prissy used to make them. They were so delicious. I miss her so thanks for the happy memory. The labels on your new pens made me laugh. enjoy your day!

    1. CJ, I agree. I have not tried the tea yet - truthfully, I am NOT crazy about hot tea so I will have to get back to you on that one. lol!

  2. Wishing you a happy month of May.

    All the best Jan
