Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Strawberry Super Full Moon!


Last night's Strawberry Super Full Moon as taken with my hubby's aerial camera around 11PM ...

  • The Strawberry Moon meaning is a time of growth and new beginnings. It’s a time to plant the seeds for your dreams and watch them grow into fruition. So whatever your goals are for the coming year, make sure to set your intentions during this spectacular moon phase. The strawberry moon, is especially notable because it's said to bring prosperity. 

And who always greets me in our driveway after I return home from work? Why, CHESTER, of course, and he wishes everyone a BLESSED STRAWBERRY SUPER FULL MOON!! ...


  1. The strawberry moon photos are beautiful. Unfortunately I missed the full moon because it was cloudy.
    Chester looks so sweet.

  2. THANK YOU, JON!! After I got home from work, I went to grab my little digital camera and realized that the battery was dead! lol So, I asked my husband to use his camera - so glad I did!

  3. Gorgeous moon pic. I couldn't see it because it was too cloudy. Chester is a sweetie

  4. Oh Wow! 'Chester' made my day. What a cutie. I have a tuxedo cat, 'Eddie'. He was a rescue. Actually, I think he rescued me
    and any cat lover would understand that.
    Paranormal John
