Saturday, June 04, 2022

Sunday This 'n' That


Well, it all started earlier this past week. My husband had been complaining about feeling "dizzy" whenever he stood up or turned his head too quickly. He had noticed it the week before and took a day off from work thinking it was just something strange and would go away. Nope - it didn't. So, he called off of work on Tuesday in order to go to our local "Patient First" to get checked out.

Now, on Tuesday, I had planned to pick up my mom after my work shift at 10:30pm and have her spend the night at my house because she had a doctor appointment at St. Joseph's Hospital early Wednesday morning - which is located directly down the road from my house. Instead, I decided to take my last PTO day from work to make sure that my husband was okay and I picked my mom up a bit earlier. After the Patient First physicians asked questions and took his blood sugar, they diagnosed him with diabetes. They sent him home with two prescriptions - one to help him with his dizziness (Meclizine 25mg) and Metformin HCL 500mg) to help lower his blood sugar. It took a couple of days for the meds to take hold, but at least he can stand okay now without losing his balance! He has a follow-up appointment with Patient First this coming Tuesday and he will also have to call his family physician for continued maintenance.

The strange thing is, I was a borderline diabetic until I lost A LOT of weight and it brought my levels back to normal. He actually was very overweight until he started his current job where he is running around on the road for 8 hours every day and lost A LOT of weight! Apparently, blood sugar levels are VERY touchy and tricky!

At any rate, it was quite a scare!


  1. Oh my goodness! Glad it was caught quickly!

  2. That is a scary situation. I'm glad your husband got a quick diagnosis and hopefully the medications will help.

    Ironically, lately I've been having many symptoms of diabetes but am (foolishly) trying to ignore it. I'm definitely not overweight - - but I suppose thin people can be vulnerable, too.

    Acute sudden dizziness can also be caused by inner ear infections. I've had several of them and the dizziness is INTENSE. The infections usually clear up by themselves in a few days or weeks.
    This probably doesn't pertain to your husband, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

    1. Yes, the first thing I thought of was an inner ear infection, then possibly vertigo? I was wrong on both counts but the symptoms are the same at any rate. Please take care of yourself, Jon!

  3. Scary and concerning, you will need to keep an eye on things.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan
