Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Throwback Thursday: The Hay Creek Festival - 2018

Another chilly fall day yesterday, but that did not stop us from attending the annual Hay Creek Apple Festival - besides, it didn't rain so we could live with it. This festival offers many things to do - historical sites, great homemade PA Dutch food, rides for the kiddies, and a rather large flea market.
The Historic Joanna Furnace ...
The excavation area ...

This barn showcases technology before the Industrial Revolution ...

A miniature railroad train display ...

Pony rides for the kids ...

and tractor trailer car rides as well ...

 PLENTY of goodies to see and buy at the flea market ...
I always make sure to bring home some delicious homemade chocolate from Lorah's Handmade Chocolate Company ...
A really awesome Greek Goddess tin for only $2.00!!! It represents Demeter, Persephone, Hestia, Artemis, Hera, Rhea, Athena, and Aphrodite.  
And also a cute Halloween flag for only $5.00.

Some yummy good PA Dutch cuisine for dinner ...
Everything from hot fresh kettle popcorn, apple dumplings and crisps, apple fritters, funnel cakes, and freshly cooked homemade soups such as chicken noodle, ham and bean, and vegetable soups.

A sausage sandwich with tomato sauce.

I am glad we had the chance to go this year. It is always a good time at this festival!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A trip to the Courthouse ...

On Monday, hubby took a PTO day for a doctor appointment he had scheduled for the afternoon so I asked him to take me into the Berks County Courthouse before I had to go to work in order to get sworn in as a notary for the next four years ...

The Berks County Courthouse Building located in The City of (downtown) Reading is divided into two sections - the old building and the new addition which is connected by a corridor. There are two offices in which I must go to - The Recorder of Deeds to get sworn in by an employee of the Courthouse who also presents me with my current Notarial License (located in the new part of the building), and the Prothonotary Office to register my official signature which is located in the old part of the building.

I have decided that this will be the last time that I renew my Notarial Commission/License. I have been a Pennsylvania Notary Public for 32 years now - I guess after the next four-year term you could say that I am "retiring" so to speak.

On the way home, we had breakfast at "The American Diner" in West Reading.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

This and That

Brightest Blessings, friends! Well, it has been yet another crazy week and this week promises to be JUST as busy. Last week, I was finally able to pay off my "used" 2009 Honda Civic ... YAY! Hubby took it for a much-needed bath at the local car wash ... 🚗

We had a nice little surprise at a work meeting on Wednesday night. We were told that associates such as myself are going to be getting a 10% pay increase based on our current individual salaries. The reason for this is to compensate for the fact that the new hires are already starting out at the same pay rate as those of us who have been working there a lot longer! In addition to that, we will also be receiving a raise for our shift differential - 2nd and 3rd shifts only. Not sure what that will be as of yet, but more information is forth-coming. We were also told that the pay raise and shift differential are in addition to our annual merit increase. 

I had a chance to begin reading one of my new books that I had purchased two weeks ago. I find the subject of numerology very interesting and I have a couple of other books that I have read in regards to it. This book is pretty good actually!


Question for all of you - I am considering holding another "Countdown to Mabon" Blog Giveaway so ... would anyone be interested in it at all?

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Countdown to Mabon

Around the Corner: Countdown to Mabon!

Getting so excited! My favorite season of fall is just around the corner. My hubby and I wed in a legal Handfasting on Mabon/Autumn Equinox of 2001. Believe it or not, it really wasn't planned that way. We both wished to get married in September and the only Saturday my dear friend and Wiccan High Priestess could officiate for us happened to be on Mabon of that year. I am convinced that it was definately meant to be!

I'd like to share with you all a poem I had written this past Spring for a blogger friend of mine who lives in the Southern Hemisphere and therefore celebrates Mabon while we Wiccans and Pagans alike living in the Northern parts are celebrating Imbolg and Ostara. I hope you enjoy it!

Painted Leaves
Colored bed beneath my feet,
The crisp, fresh air grows cool;
Painted leaves adorn the Earth,
All under Modron's rule

Aging Goddess; powerful, wise
Autumn's picture, Nature's guise
Celebration of beauty,
 the wheel turns on;
With painted leaves ~
'tis Blessed Mabon! 

~ Lady Caer Morganna

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Weekend happenings ...

Greetings all, I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I decided to stay home and stay cool on Saturday and began putting away my Summer and Beltane decorations and brought out just a few of my seasonal things.

Today, we took "the moms" out to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Of course, I had to check out the new holiday items they had available ..,

A vintage black ceramic Halloween Tree with orange and purple lights.

A vintage Halloween Black Cat kitchen towel.

They always have such an awesome assortment of sodas.

I also bought a pretty olive-colored cowl neck sweater ...

My bathroom hand towels ...


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Ataragtis: The First Mermaid


Atargatis: The First Mermaid



In Ancient Roman times, Atargatis was was beautiful and powerful priestess who fell in love with a human shepherd boy. He, being simply mortal, did not survive her divine love-making. She became pregnant with his baby and soon became distraught and remorseful. After the birth of a baby girl, Semiranus on the shore, she threw herself into the ocean to drown. Her beauty was so great that the gods did not let her die, but changed her into a mermaid. Not only did she become a mermaid, but a goddess of the seas. Half woman and half fish. Atargatis was depicted as having long, flowing hair like the water. She is THE FIRST mermaid.


History - during the Roman Era, she was worshiped at the shrine in Hierapolis and had multiple temples dedicated to her. At her temples were ponds containing her sacred fish that only her priests were allowed to touch. Supposedly the fish knew their own names and would come when called. They even wore jewels and would snuggle up to people like a pet. In her day, worshipers would immerse themselves in her sacred waters to offer praise. 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday, my friends! Really loving the "cooler" temps that we have had for the past couple of days here. However, it is supposed to go back to the 90's and horrible humidity tomorrow -unfortunately. 

At any rate, I am counting down the days until Mabon and the start of Fall - YEESS! 🎃🍂

My sister Aurora Skye told me about a website she found called, "Tamed Wild". It is a really cool site where you can order various kinds boxes of awesome items. She and I both ordered a one-time "Witchy Grab Bag" at a $38.00 value for only $10.00 plus shipping & handling (which still costs us less than $20.00) - not bad ...

The box arrived on Wednesday and these are the items which they sent me ...
A small Amethyst Bath Bar made of lavender and frankincense with little amethyst gemstones ...

A crystal geode ... 

A jar of Protection Salt which had three Star Anise in it and smelled like licorice.


Hubby surprised me this week with 250 purple string lights for me to adorn my Samhain (Halloween). My sister Aurora Skye and I plan on having fun decorating it this year!