Sunday, October 30, 2022

Lehigh Canal Ghost Tour with Charlie Adams III!

Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween all! Tonight, my husband and I had tickets to take one of Charlie Adams III's ghost tours. Charlie was born and raised in Berks County, PA and has authored 35 ghost story books over the past few years - I own a few of them. This tour was located at The National Canal Museum in Easton, PA ...

One of the two mules helping to pull the canal boat. Their names are Hank and Ernie ...

The Captain dressed up as a zombie ...

Posing for a pic with Charlie before the start of the boat tour. He is so personable and was such a pleasure to chat with ...

Charlie sharing ghost stories with everyone ...

Midway through the tour, we paused briefly to enjoy the gorgeous sunset and beautiful scenery along the canal ...

Even Charlie commented on "how cool" it was while everyone including himself snapped a quick pic ...

This was Charlie's last tour for this year. I have always wanted to be a part of one of Charlie Adams' ghost tours and I am very happy that I finally had the chance!
(Photo courtesy of Charles J. Adams III)


Some neat pics on our ride home from the ghost tour ...


  1. Sounds like a fun way to spend the holiday. Lovely scenery, too. Blessed Samhain!

  2. What a wonderful adventure for your Halloween weekend. I remember seeing Charlie Adams on TV several times but (unfortunately) I haven't read any of his books. The photos that you've shared have the ghostly essence of Halloween, including the sunset on the way home.
    Have a blessed Samhain.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan
