Saturday, November 19, 2022

What's happening?

Hey there everyone! It has been a couple of weeks since I had posted here. The main reason for this is because I have been sick - nursing a head cold and sinus issue while trying to work - and play "taxi driver" to my mom for her MANY doctor appointments - lol! In any case, I thought that I would take a few minutes to check-in. 

The next two months, as expected with all of the up-coming holidays, is going to be very BUSY for sure. As for this weekend, I am just going to lay low and rest up. This morning; however. I did have a bit of normal weekly shopping to do and since I was already out and about anyway, I stopped off at "The Mint Leaf" shoppe located right down the road from me. When I arrived there I noticed how packed the parking lot was! Apparently, they were hosting a special Christmas Open House Event with lots a good sales and such ...

They even had live acoustic music which was really cool! I decided to pick up a pretty sweater or two and I also received a free pair of earrings with my purchase ...

And the free pair of earrings ...

A Christmas/Yule set of four coasters ...

Moving on, Teddy is quite content - although he is chomping at the bit to get out of the temporary holding cage and roam the house with the rest of his siblings which he will have the chance to do after his neuter surgery ... lol

Sir Leo enjoys playing patty cake with him from on top of the cage ...

As for the remainder of the weekend, I am planning on chilling out with the kitty cats ...

Merlin is obsessed with water and sinks!!

And Ginger the lap cat loves to snuggle on my lap and sleep near me on the sofa ...

Speaking of cats, last weekend we went shopping with my mom at her Annual "Boscov Days" where I bought these awesome cat tapestry sneakers. Skechers partnered with Petco  - LOVE THEM!!

Have a great rest of the weekend all!!


  1. Sorry you haven't been feeling too well, hope all is well now.
    This was a great catch-up post.
    I do like the Christmas/Yule set of four coasters; this is a lovely time of year.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan! I am feeling much better. Hope all is well with you!

  2. I was worried about you - - but I assumed you were working long hours and were busy with other stuff. I'm sorry that you're sick. I can definitely identify with head colds and sinus problems. I've had sinus trouble my entire life. You bought a lot of nice things (those sneakers are so unique).
    Your kitties are all so beautiful and they get along so well with each other. It'll be great when Teddy can finally come out of his cage. It took a long time for my eldest cat Kitzee (now deceased) to get used to Bosco and Scruffy - but she finally accepted them.
    Love the photos of Merlin in the sink.

    1. You know that you will never get rid of me that easily, Jon! LOL!

      I am so happy to hear from you. The kitties get along good for the most part. Like people, they have their moods.

      Glad you enjoyed the cat pics, too!

  3. When not feeling well sometimes one foot in front of the other is all that gets done. Praying you get to feeling better so you can enjoy the holidays and all the kitties.

  4. Looks like the sale was just for you! Merlin and water. Be careful. Last year, Quill was able to turn the taps on in the bathroom, the sink overflowed, water leaked into the basement and caused some damagešŸ˜±I hope you feel better. Take care.

    1. Agree! My sister, Robin's cat Hammy, does just that! He turns on the shower!! They must keep the bathroom door closed all the time!

  5. Hope you're feeling better. URI's and sinus issues are a bummer. The kitty pics made my day. Feel better. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Paranormal John

    1. I am feeling better, thank you, John. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
