Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Snow Day

Snow, coming down hard and fast and almost three hours LATER than predicted this morning of course. I, as well as a few other of my fellow co-workers, decided we would much rather be safe than sorry so we took a PTO day today due to the crappy-A weather. My husband left for work before it started and he called me around 12:15 to tell me that the roads were slick and VERY bad! I think I made the right choice to stay home! ...

So, since I am home today I am going to make dinner for my husband and my mom who is staying overnight at my house because I have to take her to (yet) another doctor appointment tomorrow morning before I go to work. (sigh)
"I'm off today. but did make the mistake to driving out to Fleetwood (PA) to visit my father. Ride home was not fun. Cars all over the place!" - A pic that a co-worker sent me this afternoon. (Photo courtesy of M. Mauger)

Anyhow, at least I get to spend the day with my precious fur babies! Teddy seems to be fitting in pretty well with all of his new siblings.
Sir Leo is THE BEST big brother ever!
Ginger lounging in her favorite spot on the sofa.

Teddy (Bear) and Ginger playing with the mouse laser pointer.


  1. Goodness! Look at that snow!
    I think you made the right choice to stay home.

    All the best Jan

  2. Oh, my! You got slammed. I'm glad you decided not to drive to work. Weather dudes got the storm wrong for my area and it fizzled. We got a few flakes, a bit of freezing drizzle and then it warmed up and poured buckets. The kitties look so cute and content.


  3. Snow always looks beautiful on photos, but dealing with it in real is a hellish nightmare. I hope you and your husband stay safe during the snowy onslaught.
    The weather here in TN is very cold but (so far) there have only been snow flurries. It's a dreary, miserable time of year.
    Your beautiful fur babies always look content. I'm glad Teddy is adjusting to his new environment.
