Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Odds and Ends

Well, it is a cold, rainy, dreary Sunday here today and I decided I would just stay warm at home in the house doing not too much of anything except putting away my Yule decorations and such.

The only time I ventured out was to drive down the road to "The Mint Leaf" in order to check out their new stock of sweaters. And, while I was there I picked up a couple of more items at Soul Centered Wellness and The Stinkleberry Soap Company. These are their new batch of macaron soaps ...

I saw this book and thought that it sounded pretty interesting - one very important point which I would like to make is that "revenge" is not something that I believe in. I much prefer to leave any judgements up to karma and the Divine. 🌟

My new sweater and matching heart earrings ...

While at The Dollar Tree store (or shall I say "The Dollar and .25 cents store?) yesterday I couldn't resist this cute little Spring sign. Of course, I am not decorating for Spring quite yet - after all, I am currently preparing for the upcoming Sabbat of Imbolg, the Greater (Cross quarter) Sabbat which falls between Yule/The Winter Solstice and Ostara/The Spring Equinox


I also want to wish my beloved Dad a Happy Heavenly 90th Birthday today! I miss you so much!

As for the rest of the night, I am watching a marathon of one of my classic tv shows ... "Columbo".


  1. The macaron soaps look so real! Very pretty sweater and earrings. Sounds like you had a wonderful day

  2. That soap looks good enough to eat. You always buy such neat stuff. The sweater is pretty and the book does look interesting. I like the photo of you and your father. Had my father lived, he would be over 100 now (!!!!). He died in 2005, I think he had just turned 84.
