Sunday, January 08, 2023

This and That

Greetings all. I hope all is well. It has been busy here as usual. This Thursday (weather permitting) I will be taking a day off in order to drop Teddy off at our veterinarian for his neuter and front declaw. Today, I spent the majority of the day running some much needed errands with my mom. One important stop was at PetSmart for more cat food, kitty litter, and a bag of Yesterday's News for after Teddy's surgery.

Yesterday, I enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with my sister Aurora Skye. While out and about, I found these beauties at "The Gem on Penn" ...


This stone is used to help cure depression and sleep disorders as well as soothing tense nerves. Star Ruby has the same metaphysical properties as Ruby, but with increased healing and magical energies. It is most powerful at full moon. The Light of the Soul is reflected and grounded within the star of the Ruby, and amplifies one’s internal resources and fortitude.


This stone attracts love and romance. It is also known to aid in healing past traumas. The Greek word for pink, the Rhodochrosite crystal meaning is associated with the rose, the symbol of love that can be traced back to the Incas, who called the stone "Inca Rose." According to legend, these pink gems formed from the blood of their kings and queens. Ruled by the planet Venus, the Rhodochrosite stone meaning comes from its healing pink hue, the color of love. Like the soft petals of a rose, the Rhodochrosite stone supports feelings of compassion, deeper emotional connections, and openness to love without judgment or expectations.

Dragon Blood Stone

A stone of healing which gives much courage and strength. In mythology, dragons promote justice and protect life. The deep green symbolizes a dragon’s tough skin with a tender heart. In comparison, red is the color of a dragon’s blood, representing the life force and raw energy.

This stone is also known as Dragon Blood Jasper. However, Dragon Blood Jasper is not a Jasper at all. This stone is a mixture of Epidote, which gives off the green hues, and Piemontite, which colors it red. Just by looking at it, you can see its mysterious power and sense the fire energy radiating through it. The beautiful Dragon Blood Stone assists in drawing energy from the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space.

Speaking of dragons, I purchased a beautiful Dragon pendant at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

And, I bought this pretty Peridot with cubic zirconia accents on each side for my mom. Not only because it is her birthstone, but I wanted to try to replace the one she lost two years ago when she had a serious water flood in her house ...

A new item for sale from that store - Crystal Sands which has multiple uses. I can't wait to try them! ...

And a new book as well ...

Here are some pics I had taken on Christmas night in front of our house after we arrived home from dinner. It looked like a "fire in the sky" ...

Until next time friends, Butterscotch and Sir Leo bid everyone a good week!

1 comment:

  1. You always find the most interesting things. The jewelry is beautiful. Spectacular sunset and headbutts to all the kitties
