Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Snippets

HAPPY FRIDAY! Yesterday, I took a vacation day in order to drop Teddy off at our vets at 8AM for his neuter and front declaw surgery. I wasn't told that they were keeping him overnight because of the declaw - which is fine, but I wish that they had told us that when we made the appointment or I would have not wasted a vacation day just to take him there! At any rate, we received a call yesterday after his surgery that he was doing fine and another call just a few minutes ago that we could pick him up today. My husband took a vacation day today just in case I could not get him before I need to go to work. I will post an update on him this weekend.

My husband surprised me with an early Valentine's Day gift - a pair of cozy cat slippers! ...

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I'm glad Teddy is doing well. Love those slippers

  2. I'm really glad that Teddy's ordeal is finally over and he will soon be home. It is SO important to have these furry felines spayed and neutered.
    Have all of your cats been frontal declawed? They can certainly do a lot of damage around the house with their incessant scratching the furniture. Bosco enjoys shredding my bedroom carpet. Kitzee was a sweetheart but she scratched just about everything - especially the sofa and my wicker bookcase.
    Your kitty slippers are such a cute gift!
    I haven't been commenting on blogs lately, because I'm presently plagued with an ENORMOUS amount of serious problems. I hope I can overcome some of them before I go completely insane....

    1. All of our cats have been front declawed with the exception of Butterscotch who NEVER draws his claws on us or the other cats! He uses the cat scratching post and does not destroy the furniture thank God!

      I think of you every day, Jon and I pray for you all the time. Please know that I care about you a lot!
