Monday, April 10, 2023

Not for the faint of heart ...

My dad always used to tell us, "Growing old is not for the faint of heart." And as with most things that he would tell us, he was right. As we age it stands to reason that our health will decline - it is just a matter of what part our body and how much will we have to endure of our health issues. 

With me, it started a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed with arthritis throughout my entire body (something my dad suffered with until the day he died along with heart disease) and osteoporosis all over my body as well (something my mom also suffers from). 

This past Monday, I had an appointment with my PCP and she finally had to put me on blood pressure meds. My blood pressure was consistently high - between 160's and 180's. Since my doctor believes (as do I) that it is always better to try a natural solution first rather than throw prescription meds at her patients, we tried that route first, but it was not working well enough hence the meds. I am currently taking one 50mg tablet of Losartan Potassium a day. So far it has been working well. My blood pressure went from 160/100 the day of my appointment to 143/82 by Wednesday and today it is down to 136/70. I was told that this is a very non-aggressive drug so it will not damage my kidneys. 

My dad also used to say, "It is what it is." ...


  1. My dad used to say the same thing.

  2. Growing old is absolute hell. I think many of our health issues are genetic. I have many of the health problems that my Mom had. I'm glad that your blood pressure has lowered. I've had high BP for as long as I can remember. My entire life has been extremely stressful.

    1. I COMPLETELY AGREE with you, Jon! Genetics have A LOT to do with our health issues AND STRESS is what seems to put those issues over the edge more times than not.

  3. We never know what health problems age may bring ...
    It is important to make the most of each and every day.

    All the best Jan

    PS Pleased your blood pressure has come down.

    1. You are absolutely right, Jan! Have a great weekend!
