Sunday, April 16, 2023

Weekend Happenings

Happy Sunday all! It has been quite a hectic week for me. A baby shower for a co-worker, yet another doctor appointment to take my mom to, and a case filed against a bogus seller on Etsy (more on that at a later time).

I baked two boxes of cupcakes - one batch on Wednesday night after work and another batch on Thursday night ...

Confetti cakes (top) and Red Velvet with vanilla icing and pearl sprinkles (above).

On Thursday night, I picked my mom up after work and she stayed overnight at my house (as usual whenever she has a doctor appointment the next morning). She has a frozen wrist and very little movement in her arm on her right-hand side. This all began when she fell and shattered her right wrist a couple of years ago and has been an on-going nightmare ever since! At any rate this particular appointment was for her first round of Botox injections which involved five doses in several different areas of her arm. The idea is to relax her muscles in order to give her a bit more movement. No guarantees but it is the last hope she has at this point anymore. Fingers crossed that it works.

Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I decided to have a girl's afternoon out together for lunch and a shopping excursion. I found an awesome book at Barnes & Noble. It is the perfect book for Astrology charts! I have an old edition but it only goes up to the year 1980. This book goes all the way up  to the year 2100! It is filled with extensive information regarding the zodiac signs, planets, moons, ascendants, etc. 

We love checking out all of the unique items sold at a place called, "Shady Maple" which is a huge smorgasbord restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We did not eat there, but their rather amazing gift shop downstairs is well worth checking out! I brought home some really cool jewelry ...

Another place we stopped at was "The Mint Leaf" where I purchased this pretty little top ...
And skirt ...

While we were out shopping, my husband was at "The Dollar Tree" and picked up a couple of new pot holders and mermaid decorations for me ....

Wishing everyone a good week!


  1. I hope your mother gets some relief for her wrist - - it sounds like a nightmare. And I hope your Etsy problem will be resolved. I had to deal with several bogus sellers on eBay (years ago) and nothing was ever resolved.
    The mermaid items are cute and the skirt reminds me of a gypsy skirt (which I like)

    1. Thank you, Jon. I have filed a claim through Pay Pal and they sent an email to Etsy, BUT I suspect that the crocked BITCH will still get away with it! I only pray that karma gets her evil ass! People SUCK!!

      Yes, I love the gypsy skirt too! :-)

  2. I hope your mom can find some relief. That must be so frustrating for her. You always find fun and cute things on your outings. Have a good week.

    1. Thanks, CJ. We are hoping and praying that she gets at least some movement back

      Have a good one!

  3. Wishing your Mom the best and hope the wrist issue can be resolved to some degree. I love your jewelry and especially like the ring. Very pretty. I've had a couple of problems with eBay sellers but eBay stepped in right away and I got my money back. I guess I was lucky. I've only purchased from etsy twice and luckily had good experiences. Sadly,, there's some unscrupulous people out there on eBay and etsy. Karma, indeed! Oh....and those cupcakes! Heaven! From the lips of a diabetic! Crap!
    Paranormal John

    1. Thank you for your kind words, John. I have never had to go through any of this BS before with Etsy or any of them, but this is simply unacceptable and I refuse to sit back and tolerate it even if I never get my money back! This unethical bitch literally STOLE my money and refuses to replace what she claims was opened or damaged after she sent it unless I spend MORE money to which she says she will THEN replace the item I already paid for with no cost to me! Why in the name of HELL would I buy from her ever again if he can not make good on her deals! UNBELIEVABLE!
