Sunday, April 23, 2023

So this is what happened ...

On April 5th, I ordered an item from one of the sellers on ETSY, Lili Heide from her business located in Toronto, Canada called Bare Naturall. As stated in the email sent to ETSY from Pay Pal, I received an empty package containing only the sellers business card. I immediately contacted her and even sent her a picture of what I received in the mail. After several communications with her via emails, she refused to replace the item I had already bought and paid for claiming that the package must have been opened or damaged in the mail and proceeded to tell me that she would ONLY replace my merchandise IF I placed another order from her Etsy site! THIS is unacceptable! She literally stole my money and exploited the situation by refusing to replace the merchandise I bought from her! I want my money back and had to open a claim with Pay Pal who is awaiting the sellers' response. This woman is not only unethical, she is a crook!

I immediately contacted Pay Pal (whom I used to pay the seller) in order to open up a resolution claim to try and get my money back from this bogus, dishonest seller. They sent ETSY a message regarding this matter on April 13th and they are STILL awaiting Ms. Heide's response. If the matter can not be resolved then I have the option to escalate the claim - whatever that entails? I was told by Pay Pal that it would have to be escalated BEFORE May 3rd or else the claim will be closed and it can not be re-opened.

When you order something off of the ETSY site, they send you a message informing you that you can write a review after a certain time from the date the item was ordered. Since I ordered the item on two separate occasions, I was able to post my review TWICE.

Ah, ya sure 'bout that? ... (my review posted on ETSY):

"I liked the mascara; however the the seller's business ethics leave a lot to be desired. I ordered a second mascara and when it arrived the envelope was EMPTY containing only Lili's business card. I contacted her and even sent her pics of what I had received in the mail that very same day. She refused to send me a replacement for what I had already bought and paid for UNLESS I agreed to order something else from her. So now she has my money and I have nothing. Instead of keeping me as a return customer and showing good faith by replacing the product I had paid for, she chose to resort to exploitation. This is unacceptable! I had no choice but to open up a claim against her. She is nothing short of a crook! DO NOT trust her!"

You know, when I worked in an office, we were told that if you have one unhappy customer, that customer will tell at least 10 other people about their bad experience. 


  1. In future when you order something online, pay with a credit card instead of PayPal. If you have a problem with a vendor and they won't resolve the issue for you, a call to the credit card company will take care of things quickly. I think you can go through PayPal, but use your credit card to pay instead of your PayPal account.

    1. I always do use my own bank credit card when going through Pay Pal. I do not want a Pay Pal credit card anyhow. I just go through Pay Pay is all.

  2. It's an absolute shame that online crooks abound and very often get away with their crimes. I'm sorry that this happened to you and hope it will be resolved - but unfortunately I'm not optimistic.

    As I said in a previous comment, this same thing happened to me several times on eBay and the issues were never resolved. The bogus sellers took my money and vanished without a trace.
    There are times when I hate humanity!!

    1. AGREE, Jon! And I am not very optimistic either, but at least I can say I tried and helped to ruin her reputation by sharing my experience on public forums like Facebook, etc.

  3. Yes, spread the word on this unethical seller. She's a thief. Karma will eventually catch up with her. Good luck. Keep us posted.
    Paranormal John


  4. Carol Dissinger Lorah said:
    Ha! Fat chance in hell you or anyone else reading this email will make any purchases through them! I’ve had experiences like this too when an item is not as described and they try and get you to keep it for a discounted price rather than send it back! I don’t order from anyone but Amazon or local stores anymore for this reason!
    I hope you get all your money back Kim.

  5. Kimberley Brautigan said:
    Contact PayPal and report her.

    1. I already did and tonight I am going to escalate the claim against her through Pay Pal!


    2. Kimberley Brautigan said:
      that is crazy

  6. Fran Moise said: ( via Facebook)
    I would definitely have PayPal intervene. She may even lose her vendor status if she has done this with other people too.

  7. Did you know that you can open a claim on Etsy, on your purchases page you can choose Get Help with order, you will have to contact the Seller and then if no resolution you can escalate and Etsy will step in and work to get the Seller to resolve the issue.

    1. The only reason that I reported a claim to Pay Pal instead is because I used them to pay for my purchase. I have never had to deal with this nightmare ever before and I honestly do not know what else to do! If Pay Pal does not make this right and make her refund my money to me I will try ETSY, but then I will have to contact this horrible woman AGAIN! I am so upset!
