Sunday, June 18, 2023

Weekend happenings


Greetings, friends, I hope all is well. It has been another busy weekend. Yesterday, I spent a majority of the day running around for my mom - doing her laundry, checking her mail and messages at her house, etc. My husband mowed our lawn and kept getting a little visitor hopping around in the grass. He did not want to run over a baby wild bunny so he told me to take it into the house until he was finished. I placed this cute little guy in one of our small cat carriers then released it back outside afterward where my husband said its' "mommy was looking for him" 

Earlier that morning I was finally able to find the time to get my hair cut at "The Girls Hair Studio" ...
My hair was so long that I had six inches taken off of it.

Later on in the evening, we dropped by my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby's house to check in on their kitty, "Hammy" while they are on vacation ...

Today, I met my girlfriend Deb for a long overdue lunch date at "The Railroad House" ...

She surprised me with an adorable pair of sunflower earrings! ... 💗

This Tuesday, I will be taking a tour of another Senior Living Center called, "Rittenhouse" in order to be proactive in the event that my mom is still NOT able to get up and down on her own. She only has thirty days at Mifflin Court and then she must leave. It is far too expensive for her to stay there another month.

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the kitties. Tiny Bunny in my yard has that same white spot on his/her forehead! Nice to do lunch with a friend and the earrings are very pretty. Sending good thoughts that things work out for you mom.
