Thursday, August 10, 2023

TBT: A Day at the Petting Zoo


(Originally posted on Saturday, August 11, 2018)

Yesterday afternoon, Deb, J.J. and I took a ride to the Oley Turnpike Diner & Ice Cream place were we had a nice little lunch ...
Then visited their petting zoo where they had all sorts of cool farm critters ...

Lots of goats ...
Miniature ponies ...
Precious fawns, this little girl was so sweet! 
A few alpacas ...
Some geese, peacocks, chickens, roosters, and this rather large pig taking an afternoon nap and staying out of the humidity of the day. He was smarter than we were ... 
Lots of cute Sicilian Donkeys ...
Say cheese!
"How's this for cheese?"
... and turkeys as well as many other wild animals.
Before we left, we all enjoyed a delicious cone of ice cream ...
I also took home a couple of bags of goody snacks ...
Buttermint chocolates (non pareil mints) and peppermint & spearmint candy. 

One my way home from Deb's house, I had to stop in the middle of the street to let a poor, lost and disoriented wild doe cross the busy road. I waited until she completely crossed and was safely into the wooded area across the street. Then, after I got home, I saw a little brown groundhog having dinner in our front lawn - something I personally have never seen since I have lived in my house as they normally do not get that close. In fact, I had to take these pics from the front living room window ...
Like the wild bunnies we have here, this fella was just helping us to mow the lawn. LOL!

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