Friday, August 11, 2023

This and That

Happy Friday! Well, it has been quite a week. First of all, I only worked two days this week in order to take my car into the garage on Wednesday because it was giving me a hard time starting up. Yesterday, I called them and they finally got to my car late in the day and said that it was a "blind spot" in my starter so they ordered a new one which arrived this morning. I picked my car up around 12:30 and the damage was $606.00! So, I ended up having to take three days of my unpaid FMLA this week due to my car problem.  Also today, my mom finally moved into her second floor room where she will reside until at least August 31st. Next Tuesday, I am supposed to take a tour at Rittenhouse as I was told it was more affordable than Mifflin Court - we shall see. Either way, my mom's house will need to be sold SOON!

Yesterday, my Recogneyes gift from work arrived in the mail - a pair of  silver CZ Heart earrings ...

While poking around on Amazon, I saw these really cute Halloween tops/dresses. Chances are they will look too frumpy on me, but maybe I could wear them as pajamas if nothing else ...

TEMU had these on sale, but I did not order them. I wanted to order the orange and black pumpkin sweater dress below, but unfortunately they ran out of my size.
I REALLY LOVE this dress, but could not find it anywhere! The pic popped up on FB, but the site was bogus.

It's what's for dinner tonight ... Pork Chops and small baked potatoes...

AN UPDATE on my friend, Tina: (click on image to read)
And lastly, we had to say a sad goodbye to my MIL's doggie, Tulip, who passed away sometime Wednesday night. RIP, Tulie!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh car problem$ Cute Halloween clothing. My favorite is the pumpkins and chonky black cats. Aww, Tulip. On to the Summer lands where you can chase bunnies to your hearts content or just lounge in the grass.
