Wednesday, August 16, 2023

This and That

Yesterday, I took a tour of Rittenhouse in Muhlenberg. It is a bit off of the beaten path to find, but it looks lovely. I met with the Senior Living Counselor named Trish who showed me around and sat down with me for about an hour going over options for my mom ...


My mom's graduation pic.

This pic was taken two years ago at "The Van Reed Inn" for her 82nd birthday dinner.
This is a pic of my Dad and I back in 1995 taken at his Retirement Party. It is one of my favorite pics of us.

Happy mail - I received a "Thank You" card in the mail on Monday from my friend, Deb who just celebrated her 60th Birthday about a week ago ...

Also, my new Halloween dress that I recently ordered  through Amazon arrived. It is an XL and I still need to drop a few pounds, but it is cute - especially for the price. I really like the fat cat print ...

Today, after I had gotten finished with yet more running around, I met up with my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby for a nice dinner at "Flanagan's Pub" ...

Delicious crock of lobster bisque ...


  1. I'm trying to visit blogs again, but it's hard writing on my cell phone. The pics of your parents are really sweet - if only we could turn back the years. I love your new Halloween dress!!
