Thursday, August 17, 2023

TBT: Black Cat Appreciation Day!


"Go outside and look up. Midnight's light is shining down on you from the stars. The breeze on your cheek is his face rubbing against yours. He has left behind his body and moved on to a new adventure. Nothing is ever truly lost. It just changes."
~ Fellow Blogger, Mohave Rat (after the loss of my sweet boy and best friend, Midnight)

Our beloved girl, Kiki (2007~2018) ...

And our little boy, Mr. "Bo" (Bojangles - he was actually a Tuxie cat) ...


  1. Such beauties and they never leave us 🐈‍⬛

  2. I'm trying to visit blogs again on my cell phone. Your two black kitties were truly beauties and I know their spirits are with you.
