Monday, August 21, 2023

Weekend Happenings

Another busy weekend of errands for my mom as usual. On Saturday, my friend Deb tagged along with me and we hung out. She treated me to a Starbucks frozen White Chocolate Frappuccino on the way to Rittenhouse to drop off my mom's application. Afterwards, I took her to Murdough's Christmas Barn and then we had an early dinner at The Railroad House with her hubby and our friend, Kyle ...

I visited with their kitty Jack ...

A book I ordered on Amazon for my husband also arrived on Saturday ...

On Sunday, I met up for a nice lunch (also at The Railroad House) with my sister Aurora Skye. She picked up these cool mermaid gifts for me at The Paper Party. Mermaid tail pens and a mermaid cup!  🐟 💜💛💚💙💟


Aurora and her hubby went to see Barry Manilow perform live on Friday night so I thought I would share two of my personal favorite Manilow tunes!

Just a bit of trivia. Ironically, Barry's first big hit was "Mandy" -  a song which he did not actually write himself but rather was asked to sing by record producer, Clive Davis. The song was originally titled, "Brandy" and Barry not only changed the title, but had written his own arrangement of this song - GREATLY improving a very memorable song. I have included the original version by Scott English which in comparison to Barry's is , IMO, sub par. ENJOY!



  1. It's undoubtedly stressful dealing with all the things concerning your mother - but I'm glad that you found some time to relax with friends and your sister. Those mermaid pens are so unique. Kitty Jack looks so smug and beautiful with his ringtail. I cannot believe Barry Manilow is 80 years old!! I Googled his bio.

    1. I can't believe Barry Manilow is 80 years old either! You know, I had the biggest crush on him (yes, I realize he is gay) but STILL good looking to me!

      I am so HAPPY to hear from you Jon! I check your blog EVERY day!!



  2. Aurora Skye said ...

    This guy is AWFUL! Plus he is hideous 😆 Barry did it 1,000 times better, plus he is much better looking!

  3. Manilow is an extremely talented musician who, I think, is sorely underrated. My favorite song is "when October Goes". Musician Johnny Mercer wrote the lyrics and planned to set it to music, bUT he died. Mercer"s widow gave the lyrics to Manilow and he wrote the music and turned it into a gorgeous haunting song.

    1. I could not agree with you more, Jon. He is the entire package of talent and it makes me happy that he is STILL performing at such a high level even at the age of 80!
