Wednesday, February 14, 2024

How I spent Valentine's Day ...


Long story short, I spent this Valentine's Day taking one of my last few FMLA days (unpaid) in order to be available for numerous phone calls from Reading Hospital where my mom was admitted into last Friday (AND, twice two in weeks before this momentous emergency stay - don't ask it is far too stressful to deal with anymore). My husband is on call after hours all this week until Sunday and he stopped by the house in between assignments in order to gift me with these lovely roses ...

Also, while waiting around for calls, I decided to finally clean up the catio where "Messy Merlin" spends most of his time ...

Some pics of yesterday's snow storm ...


  1. Those are pretty! Flowers are so expensive ED said! We got each other cards and he is bringing me my other gift tomorrow.! Praying for your mom!

    1. Thank you so much, Judy. That means a lot to me!

  2. I'm so sorry that you're having such stressful times - - believe me, I can certainly identify with it. Multi--problems can hit us like an avalanche, and seems like we can't dig our way out. (but we will...).
    Your catio looks like a nice retreat for incorrigible felines.
    It's so nice to see roses in the winter. A soothing change from the snow outside.

    1. Thank you so much for your caring and kind words. I know you understand and your compassion means a lot to me, more than you know. Like you, there is a hell of a lot more I could say in my posts but either no one (except a friend such as yourself) truly understands or they just want you to put on a "happy face" when your life is so obviously falling apart right in front of your eyes and you have little to no control over what is happening.

      I think about your situation every day, Jon, and PRAY we both get through these terrible times. I am pulling for you, my friend.

  3. I truly 'get it'. Been there, done that and am wearing the t-shirt. So sorry to hear of your mother's ongoing health issues and the stress and the complications that come along with it. Having no control over these situations is overwhelming. Life comes to a standstill. Spring is coming and with it hopefully some relief. Stay strong and light is at the end of the tunnel, be it a damn, long tunnel.
    Paranormal John

    1. Thank you, John! Your words give me hope yet. :-)

  4. So sorry that Eldercare is still so stressful for you. Your roses are so lovely. I loved seeing pictures of Marvin he looks very active. I didn't like seeing the snow pictures. i have that mess in my yard, too. 125 days until the Summer Solstice! Stay warm

    1. Thanks, CJ and I agree - so done with winter already, too. Stay warm as well!

  5. Your roses look lovely.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you very much, Jan! I hope you are doing well!!!
