Sunday, February 18, 2024

This and That ...

Yesterday, after taking care of my usual running around and other responsibilities, I spent a couple of hours with my sister Aurora Skye who picked me up at my house and gave me a much needed little BREAK from my current life struggles ... 
We did a bit of shopping at our local shops. One of the shops was "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" where I picked up this pretty little cat locket ...

And another rather cool place in West Reading called, "Muddy Creek Soap Company" where I found a Nag Champa scented body spray & room freshener ...

After that, we had a nice dinner at our local Applebees to round off the day ...

Boneless Buffalo Chicken nuggets with a side of sour cream.

Soft Pretzels with mustard and cheese sauce.

In other news, we had our second round of snow in ONE week on Friday night. As fate would have it, it started at 10:30pm Friday night on my way home from work and stopped sometime during the early morning hours on Saturday - but not before dropping about 2 1/2 inches of the white crap. Fortunately, by the time I got up on Saturday morning it began to melt some because the temperature went up to about 38 degrees. 


  1. The kitty 'This isn't spring' pic made me laugh out loud! Thank you! I needed that. We got clobbered with snow in NE Ohio with temps around 10 this morning. Boo. Enough of this nonsense! Your cat locket is so cool. It looks like the time with your sister at dinner and shopping was a lift you needed! Do more of those when you can! Hope things are turning around some for you.
    Paranormal John

    1. Thank you, my friend. I am with you, John - enough of the snow!! Wow, 10 degrees is cold! Come on, SPRING!!!

  2. Deb Jones said via Facebook:

    Groundhogs are never right

  3. Glad you had fun! I love Celtic Myth and Moonlight! You should go to Buellas Botanical she sells homemade stuff all that stuff! She knows. Dot! I know I Spelled it wrong. LOL

    1. Thank you, Judy. I will have to check out that shop!

  4. So nice to be able to unwind with your sister and be able to get together. that's what I do with my weekly visits to my friend, Teague. She's cheaper than therapy.

    1. It is so far and in- between lately that we can get out and about together so I treasured the time away and her. ;-)

  5. I'm so glad that you had a much-needed break from all the stress. Those buffalo wings and soft pretzels look great. What I really like is the cat locket, which looks old-fashioned - - it's a treasure.
    It was 15 degrees last night here in TN.
    Spring can't come soon enough.

    1. Thank you, Jon. Funny little story about the cat locket - last night I was on FB and that same locket popped up on the feed. I did not order it online or even do a search for it - I saw it in a store and bought there. We are all being is spied on I do believe.

  6. I should have said buffalo chicken nuggets, not wings.
    Yes, we are definitely being spied on. Every time I look at something on the internet, I get ads for similar (or the same) items.
