Thursday, April 11, 2024

This and That

It's been over a week already since my mom's passing and it still feels so surreal to me. However, the stress is FAR FROM OVER. In fact, thanks to probate court (and a few other problems/issues with my mom's estate), it has only just begun! I have an appointment next Wednesday with the lawyer to have a ZOOM with the Register of Wills Office (apparently EVERYTHING is online anymore!!). I am nervous as hell - it is hard enough to deal with the loss of a parent without the added BS of the law! Why does dealing with the government always have to be so damned complicated and involved? No matter how I look at it I have NO choice. 

I still have A LOT of my mom's things stored in my small house everywhere in large bins. Today, I took this pic of Sir Leo (the cat she liked a lot) sleeping on her coat. I thought it quite fitting because not only did she like Leo, but her astrological sign was a LEO! Maybe I am just being sentimental, but it made me think ...  

I was working inside when the Solar Eclipse arrived on Monday afternoon in Reading, PA. I remember the Solar Eclipse from 2017 and that is the only time I ever had a chance to view it. My husband did his best to get pics with his areal camera ... 


  1. I truly wish I had something positive to say, but I can't think of anything. I hate to be negative, but life is a bitch - - filled with unnecessary complications. I'm going through some personal nightmares myself. It NEVER ends....
    All we can do is force ourselves to somehow get through it without going nuts. My sympathy is with you.
    Your husband's eclipse photos are great!

    1. True indeed, Jon. All we can do is push ourselves to what we have to do from day to day. You do not have it easy either and I think of you everyday. Neither of us have "help" and are on our own so to speak. Praying for us both at this difficult time of our lives.

  2. It's very true that neither of us have the "help" that we really need. That's the scary part. Take care.

  3. You're strong, my Lady. Stronger than you think. You be able to leap over all these hurdles one jump at a time. I didn't see the eclipse either because we didn't get our act together in time to get the special glasses. I really enjoyed seeing the photos your husband took. Thanks for sharing.
