Sunday, May 12, 2024

Odds and Ends

Greetings, friends and Happy Mother's Day to all. To be honest, this is a very rough one for me because this is the first Mother's Day since my mom's passing this past April. Not a good one. Needless to say, I have been an emotional basket case this entire weekend. So much so that last night my husband and I got out of the house and had a nice dinner at the Sinking Spring VFW as a sort of "temporary" distraction. Good food and good company as always. The weekend special was homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu with Brussel sprouts and buttered noodles (my husband and I both forwent the Brussel sprouts).

Today, I am chilling out with my fur babies. Ginger rarely leaves my side ...


I have also been very busy lately, when time allows me that is, going through the twenty-some bins we have stored at our house since cleaning out my mom's home a few months ago. While going through some of her photo albums, I found some old family pics I thought that I would share here on my blog. 

My mom's mother, Helen Bingaman (my maternal grandmother) whom I never had the chance to know due to her serious mental illness shortly after my mom was born.

My mom, me, and my brother Kerry. Not sure when this was taken. My guess is we were probably heading out to church services on a Sunday or perhaps even an Easter Sunday. The photo is dated the year 1970. 

Easter Sunday in 1973.

My brother and I taken on Christmas Day ~ 2015.

Pics from a family reunion sometime during the 1990's. Posing with my first cousins (two of my mom's only sister's five children) Karl (top photo) and his brother Robby (bottom).

And finally, one of my absolute favorite pics of my mom and I taken at Christmas Village a few years ago. 




  1. “Mom, in paradise, have a happy Mother’s Day. Every day, I think about how much I miss you, mom. I wish you were here right now.” – Unknown. 
  1. “No one can ever take your place mom. You filled our lives with love and grace. We will forever miss you until we meet again. Happy Mother’s Day! Mom.” – Unknown. 
  1. “I miss my mother; she’s now in heaven this Mother’s Day. The first grief experienced without a mother must be her death.” – Unknown. 
  1. “Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.” – Unknown. 
  1. “The skies look beautiful every day because Heaven cannot contain the beauty that you radiate. I miss you, mom.” – Unknown. 
  1. “Mom, because of your passing, I am trapped in this sorrow, torment, and pain. While it really hurts me, at least it has freed you. You are always missed and loved. Mom, happy Mother’s Day!” – Unknown. 
  1. “A mother’s love surpasses time and space; even in heaven, your warmth is felt. Happy Mother’s Day to the angel watching over me.” – Unknown.
  1. “My mother is a never-ending melody of solace, joy, and being in my heart. I may not remember the lyrics correctly, but I never lose the melody. Mom, happy Mother’s Day.” – Unknown.  
  1. “I will never have the opportunity to give my mother a hug again. No matter what, I try to get over this horrible anguish that is devouring me. I miss you!” – Unknown. 
  1. “Dear mom, if I had a flower for every time I thought of you … I could walk in my own garden forever.” – Unknown. 
  1. “Mom, my heart is filled with so many things I wanted to say. So I whisper them to the stars and hope they reach you that way. Deep within my heart, you will always remain. Loved and remembered until we meet again.” – Unknown. 
  1. “I now see why you constantly urged me to have courage. You knew I would need courage one day to deal with your loss.” – Unknown. 

(Shared from the site:


  1. Thank you for this beautiful post. I thought about you today, because I knew it would be a very difficult day. It is impossible to fully recover from the loss of a parent. At least we are comforted with the memories - - and the fact that our mothers knew how much we loved them.
    I'm glad you were able to get out of the house and have a nice dinner with your husband. Take care.

  2. Such a bittersweet post. Looking through old photos helped me remember happy times. Hug the fur babies. That helps, too. Take care.
