Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Old Village Inn

This past Sunday, my husband and I treated my in-laws to a long overdue THANK YOU dinner at a cool old venue called, "Old Village Inn" in Morgantown, PA. It was with my MIL, my husband's cousin and her hubby and their daughter and her husband ...

As well as their usual menu, Old Village Inn features a delicious line up of various weekend specials. This was last weekend's menu ...

Me and Hubby ...

My MIL ...

I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to my extended family for all of the sacrifices they made for four months and all of the time they gave up in order to help me clean out and sell my mother's house for her so that she could enjoy the remainder of her life living in an assisted living facility and NOT in a horrid nursing home.

Unfortunately, she declined so shockingly fast that my efforts to take care of her financially were all for not in the end. What is that old saying about 'while we are making plans, God sits back and laughs'? Yup. 

To be perfectly honest, this dinner was not so much a "celebration" as a sincere "Thank You" because as you may imagine, it was extremely difficult to let go of the home in which I grew up in AND the home which my parents loved so very much! However, I am extremely thankful to my "family" who have always been there for me when I needed them most. 


  1. Lovely way to say thank you.

  2. Such a nice way to say thank you.

    All the best Jan

  3. A generous and thoughtful 'thank you' to those who helped. I'm glad things are settling down now. I truly understand what you went through. Been there, done that...and am wearing the t-shirt. The menu looks good. Being a vegetarian, not sure what I would have? There's always that margarita and the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake! What did you have? So glad you're back.
    Paranormal John

    1. So good to see you, John, and thank you!

      Actually, I had the Old Recipe Lasagna and the White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake which were both DELICIOUS! That menu was just their special for that particular weekend. They also have a whole other daily menu which includes non-meat meals. -D
