Thursday, June 20, 2024

Strawberry Full Moon


Not the best pics of tonight's Strawberry Full Moon, but the best that I could get of it after I had gotten home from work ...

The view through our living room window while Sir Leo and I enjoyed it from our sofa ...
Charlie was completely unfazed by the fact that there was a full moon as he was just patiently waiting for me to serve him his Fancy Feast for dinner ....


  1. Great pics of the moon. I forgot to go out and look!

    1. Thanks, CJ! I almost forgot as well but the ride home from work at 10:30PM quickly reminded me! lol

  2. Your photos of the moon are beautiful. I've always been fascinated with the moon. Unfortunately, here in rural TN the moon is obscured by the forest...
    and the clouds.

    1. Thank you, Jon! I always have a hard time getting good pics of the moon because my camera is not meant for it. Brett's camera is much better at capturing aerial shots.
