Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weekend Happenings

Yesterday, my husband and I spent a very lovely day visiting with one of my long-time best friends, Judy (aka Rhiannon) and her son. They had just recently adopted a BEAUTIFUL baby boy named Dominic! And, oh what a little cutie pie he is - and so people friendly! ...

Meet Dominic!!

My hubby playing with Dominic and a laser pointer toy~ lol ...

Dominic is actually not  lying on top of the coffee table - he is UNDERNEATH IT! lol

He has his own personal little cathouse complete with his very own tv equipped with YouTube Channel for watching birds and chipmunks. The bottom inside is a cat scratch pad ... 

He loves to cuddle ...

Judy and her son, Rich, posing for a nice pic ...

Judy 'n' me ...

We all enjoyed delicious pizza, yummy snacks and drinks! I brought some desserts for us - Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting and Oreo Cookie Bites from The Mint Leaf ...  

This past week of heat and humidity has been brutal here to say the least. Yesterday, we hit 100 degrees! I was planning on running some errands today, but decided I would much rather STAY COOL in the house with the fur babies instead! 


  1. Dominic is truly beautiful. I love his colorful house.....and equipped with his own TV! What a lucky fur baby!
    He really does look like he's on the table instead of under it.

    I think everyone is presently drenched in heat. It's been in the 90's here for nearly two weeks. Rare for TN.

    1. Dominic is really sweet. The TV was Rich's ingenuity - he used a tv shaped cell phone holder and placed his cell phone in it - ingenious!
