Sunday, January 26, 2025

Family Night

Last night, we treated the cats to a Cat TV movie night via our v-See box. "DID SOMEONE SAY, "CAT TV?" ...

Butterscotch and Teddy were the first to get into the spirit! ...

It did not take long for Charlie to join in! ...

Earlier yesterday, I bought a pair of red and black plaid slip on sneakers at "Plato's Closet" whilst out and about running some errands ... very comfy!

Sunday songs


"Beautiful Sunday" - Daniel Boone

"Pleasant Valley Sunday" (live) - The Monkees

 "Sunday Morning" - Maroon 5

"Sunday Girl" (live) - Blondie
"Easy (like a Sunday morning)" - The Commodores

"Sunday Morning Coming Down" - Johnny Cash

 "Sunday Bloody Sunday" - U2

 "Best Sunday Dress" - Hole (Unplugged)


Friday, January 24, 2025

Food for Thought Friday


Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for a while and give us a deeper understanding of what is truly important in this life. They touch our souls. We gain strength from the footprints they have left on our hearts and we will never be the same.

~ Flavia 


Happy Friday, friends! Just this morning while talking to a long-time good friend of mine, I was reminded of something very important. I have always believed that God puts people in our lives for a reason; hence, I have never believed in coincidence. My friend said to me, "I wish I would've met you earlier in life. I'm sure my life would have been very different."

After giving it further thought, it occurred to me that although she may have been right, she and I met one another at exactly the time we were meant to do so at the time in our lives we were supposed to. I have had many "friends" in my life that had come and gone and each and every one of them has remained in my heart. Why? Because they have taught me something about myself and life which I needed to learn. 

To this day, I have three close friendships which I cherish and consider them as close to "family" as you could get. After all, I have learned that blood does not always equal family. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Happy Heavenly 92nd Birthday, Daddy!


Today would have been my beloved dad's 92nd Birthday. My God, has it been 10 years already since we lost you? Not that it makes much of a difference as there in not a day goes by that I do not think of him! 

I know that my dad has been my Guardian Angel sent to me from the Lord above and he is still watching over me each and every day. One example is today (on his birthday!) I received news from my doctor that my mammogram was benign. My mother had breast cancer and had to have a partial mastectomy (they detected it early!) and every time I have one performed I get scared as her gynecologist told her to let me know that I am now at a high risk as well. Thank you, Dad!

My Dad's High School yearbook pic.

An Army pic of him when he was stationed in Germany during the Korean War. Notice the camera around his neck. He took LOTS and LOTS of photos!

At my cousin's wedding reception held at The Wernersville VFW circa 1984.

Dad's Retirement Party back in 1994.

Taken in the backyard of our house at my wedding reception in September of 2001.

Some pics taken on Christmas Day 2014 - two months before he came home to pass away.


The only real comfort I have these days is knowing that my dad is now reunited with my mom as of last April 1st (the day after the Easter holiday) ...


For my Mom and Dad ... how I love and miss you both! ...


Monday, January 20, 2025

The calm after the storm

Greetings, friends! Well, today was rather windy and in the low 20's BUT NOT snowing. My husband decided to take a vacation day (although he is still on call this entire week up and including this weekend) to dig our cars out of the snowy mess. The remainder of the week promises to be VERY cold. Par for the course so to speak ....

And now an update on Butterscotch. We received a call from our veterinarian this afternoon. She told us that Butterscotch's blood tests were normal for the most part save for his low urine concentration. She said that his urine is very diluted which is not considered normal for a cat. She suggested we either have a follow up done in a month so long as he keeps his food down or we can have an abdominal x-ray performed to make sure that the removal of his malignant cancerous tumor has not spread for any reason as Dr. Mike noted in Butterscotch's chart that he was unable to remove ALL of the surrounding tumor from his left leg. We have scheduled him for a follow-up on February 24th.   

Last weekend, I spent the afternoon with my sister Aurora Skye where I picked up these books at Barnes & Noble ...

This book was written by actor Kristian Nairn who played the character of Hodor in the HBO series, "Game of Thrones".

And, this interesting magazine on Stevie Nicks! ...

 " ... and the summer became the Fall. I was not ready for the Winter ..." ~ Stevie Nicks ("Nightbird")

Thank you to everyone for their prayers and good thoughts for Butterscotch!


Sunday, January 19, 2025

And so it begins ...

Yup, and with up to 6 inches of snow expected here, it is coming down hard and fast! It is piling up pretty quickly, too! It is supposed to keep up until 10pm ...

It is difficult to see, but there are a dozen or so small birds (not robin's - do not know what kind of birds they are actually) spread out all over the lawn and the snow covered driveway looking for food ...

... which is driving Lady Tabitha crazy ...


We have MLK Day off from work tomorrow, but I have to call the vet back regarding our baby boy, Butterscotch. They called us on Friday while my husband and I were both at work - and of course the vet did not explain anything in her message which makes me even more of a nervous wreck! At least I do not have to call off of work tomorrow because of the πŸ’© weather. I will still have to worry about my husband's safety. πŸ˜”

Be safe all!!