Wednesday, September 04, 2013

A very thoughtful surprise and more crafts

  Happy Wednesday, my friends! Yesterday after I came home from work, I received a very sweet little surprise in the mailbox. It was a beautiful "thinking of you" card with a crow on it and enclosed inside was a gorgeous wallet sized aceo of a Mer-Crow called, "Mer-Crow Dancing!" This special card and gift came from a very special gal, my good friend and talented artist in her own right, Stacy from her blog "Magic Love Crow"!! ...

Thank you soo much, Stacy!! You sure know how to put a smile on my face, my dear sister!! Ironically, the same day I received the card, I had sent Stacy's birthday present out in the mail to her in Ontario, Canada. SHHHH, I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you that I made her present specifically with HER in mind! Sure hope you like it, Stacy!!  ;)

Also, I thought that since I was "in the groove" after making the give-away gifts, I would make two more wreaths. The first one is called, "The Four Seasons of the Cat" and the second is, "The Wheel of the Cat" because it is more Wiccan/Pagan looking ...

Well, that is about all the news for now. Have a great rest of the week everyone!!

Brightest Blessings to you ~



  1. Kim! You are so welcome my sister ;o) I am so happy to put a smile on your face ;o) That's what sisters are for ;o) I know I will treasure my gift from you! Thank you in advance ;o) I LOVE the two new wreaths! So special! You are too kind Kim! Big Hugs ;o) xoxoxox

  2. Stacy is wonderful at surprises. Love the gift and card she sent you.

    Both of your wreaths are beautiful. Love the cats!

  3. Stacy is one of the most thoughtful, beautiful people I know and on top of all of this...she is a fantastic artist!!! Beautiful gift!!!

    Your wreath and heart are absolutely gorgeous, Kim!!! I, too, am drawn a little more to the wreath because of its look and meaning :}


  4. I love the wreaths! I just finished making my first one of the season in which I am keeping hung up above my alter in my office. But I have slowly started collecting more things for a second wreath to hang on the door to our home. I love the heart shaped one you did, so I think I need to go find a heart shaped as well.

  5. That is such a sweet gift !! I am sure she will be very happy too, with the gift you sent her ; )
    Your wreaths are beautiful !!
    have a magical day.
