Sunday, September 08, 2013

Hay Creek Festival ~ 2013

Well, it looks like yet another great year at The Hay Creek Apple Festival held at Joanna Furance! The weather was gorgeous, they had a huge crowd, and everything was just fantastic!! We love this event and never miss it! There is always so much to see and do from the special handmade crafts to the antique and classic car show ...

Musical entertainment both on stage and off


"Twinkles Animal Rescue Candles" sold by The Animal Rescue League
Homemade Applesauce
Glassblowers exhibit 

Scented Gemstone jewelry by Sculps Hill Herbs
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup & Chicken Pot Pie
Miniature ponies

And I met a very nice Hedgewitch/Herbalist named Linda Kerlin who lives in Elizabethown, PA. She owns a large Victorian Home and every year she invites the public to her Samhain/Halloween celebration! For those guests who are not Wiccan/Pagan, she explains the history of the Holiday of Halloween itself and the meaning and symbolism behind it. As for those of us who are Wiccan/Pagan, we already understand the ritual she is performing, but I think it is a very good idea since it educates those who have many misconceptions about witches, and Paganism in general ...
 Linda Kerlin
All in all, pretty awesome day! Have a great Sunday everyone!!!


  1. I offically need to move to where you live, I would of LOVED this festival. (of course I would of left with many goodies and no money)..Sounds Wonderful!

    And how awesome is Linda for opening her home to those who wish to celebrate or/and be educated. So lovely!

    -Ashlee Michelle

    1. LOL! Pennsylvania does have its' good points ... one thing we do have is beautiful scenery I think! And, yes, I wanted to buy almost everything I saw there!!! ;)



  2. I absolutely love this kind of seasonal "stuff", Kim!!! Thank you so much for sharing these terrific photos!!! I love, love, love this gorgeous season~~~


    1. MEEE toooo, Jan!!!! I love everything about that time of the year!!! ;)



  3. This looks like such a fun outing. You've seen such wonderful things. Scented gemstones sound great.
    Linda Kerlin sounds like a very interesting and wonderful person.
    Have a magical day.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Eilis, you would have loved it, my friend! )O(

  4. What a wonderful day! I would have bought everything! Did you get that Witchy Woman sign? I love that! The homemade chicken noodle soup made me hungry! Total yummy ;o) I love all the pictures Kim! You look fantastic!! Seriously, you do! Linda Kerlin sounds like a great lady ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ Believe it or not, it was actually the first thing I saw so I figured I would stop and pick it up on the way out .... oops, can you believe that I FORGOT to remember!!! LOL!!!! :)

    2. You forgot!!! Crazy lady!!! I would have bought it, right when I saw it! ;o) Maybe I can make one ;o) Hugs ;o)

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time, Kim, my friend.

    1. Lon, my deear, how are you? Good to see you again!!

      Brightest Blessings,


    2. Thank you so very much, Kim, my dear friend, I'm doing well, and I'm so honored in knowing such a wonderful friend as you!!!

      Hope to hear from you often my dear friend,

