Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Wiccan Life Spring Give-Away!

Greetings, my friends! Since I can't wait for Spring and because it's been quite a little while since I had one of these, I decided to have a Spring Give-Away for one of my Ostara wreaths ...

If you are interested in winning this wreath, all you need to do to qualify is:

1) Leave a message in the comment section of this post letting me  know that you would like to added to the drawing
2) Along with your comment, please briefly tell everyone "why" you like Spring

 It's that easy! The drawing will be held on Saturday, March 8th so that the winner may receive the wreath in time for Ostara. You will have three days after the drawing to claim your gift by e-mailing me an address in which to send it to at

As always, I will attempt to leave you a message letting you know you have won, but should you not claim your gift for any reason, I will pick another winner.  

Good luck to all!!  

Brightest Blessings,


Monday, February 24, 2014

A shopping I did go ...

Greetings to all! First of all, I would just like to say "thanks" to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes and sentiments! Today is the last day of my extended weekend until I go back to work tomorrow so yesterday hubby and I took a little trip to a really cool (and huge!) Shopping Plaza in Royersford, PA. We looked around in as many shoppes as we could, dined at a very nice wood-grilled steak resteraunt called, "Firebirds", and of course stopped at the Michael's Arts & Crafts Store located there. 

Since I have been working on my crafts as of late, I found quite a few really cool itmes in which to create with. Minature white besoms, cute little holiday figures, and specically deocrated plastic holiday and metallic eggs were among them. Here are a couple of things I have made so far ...

Large Seasonal Cat Wreath

Ostara Tree with purple hay for tinsel

Bunny Tree Top

Ostara Tree with white lights

The really funny thing was, as we were standing in line at the checkout (on my actual birthday day), I heard an advertisment over the store intercom which said, "Celebrate your birthday making crafts!" I just smiled and thought to myself, "I am!" LOL!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Birthday and some new crafts ...

Well, it's my birthday weekend and I will be turning the big 5-0 on Sunday. So, I decided to take an extended weekend from work to just relax and do things I enjoy doing. One of them is making crafts, especially for the sabbat holidays. I began working on some items for Imbolg and now I am working on creating some new things for Ostara ...

Small Imbolg wreath

Imbolg Heart #1 

 Imbolg Heart #2 (wreath)

Small Ostara Wreath

In addition to these, I also made a few other things including a large "The Seasons of Green Man" wreath with a brass Green Man leaf in the middle surrounded by representations of all eight sabbat holidays ...

 Small Lace-trim Cat Wreath

 a small Mermaid  wreath for my Nautical theme in our bathroom ...

 I also came across a set of really cute Ostara bunny tea light holders by one of my favorite artists, Jim Shore ... (LOVE these!)

And, since dare I say I do not do very much cooking, I couldn't wait to make my favorite recipe which I learned from my Nana. It is an old Pennsylvania Dutch soup called, "Chicken Corn Rival Soup." I do not make it very often because it takes HOURS to cook until the homemade rivals (dough balls) are completely cooked . I also thought that it would be a nice idea to make a huge batch for my dad now that he is home from the rehab hospital ... that is until my brother told me that my mom had already made it two days ago! No matter, I will still make sure that he gets a bowl or two along with Mom and Pop (my in-laws) ...

In case anyone is interested in making this dish, the recipe is as follows:

1 (4-pound) chicken
4 quarts water
1  (10 ounce) package frozen whole white kernel corn
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 egg
2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

In a large stock pot, cover chicken with water. Cook slowly until tender (approx. 1 hour). Remove chicken, let cool and remove meat from bones. Cut meat into 1 inch pieces, discarding skin and bones. Cut corn from cobs if using fresh corn. Add corn and cut up chicken to pot and season with salt and pepper. Simmer soup for 10 minutes.

How to make the Rivils: (homemade dough balls)
In a separate bowl, make the rivils by mixing the flour, salt, egg. Separate mixture into tiny balls of dough and drop into soup also adding the hard boiled eggs. Simmer anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour, depending upon how long your rivals actually take to completely cook. Serve hot.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, February 21, 2014

The ABC Award

Whoa, little ole me? LOL! I 'd like to give my warmest "Thank You" to Marietta from her fanastically informative blog, "Witchy Words" for nominating my blog for this very special award! Marietta is a great gal whose blog is not only informative, but has fresh and inovative ideas for her followers. I enjoy it very much!

In turn for accepting this award, there are three conditions
  • Download the award logo and add it to your acceptance post.
  • Nominate a few fellow bloggers.
  • Take each letter of the alphabet and use it to tell something about yourself

Ok, well let's start with my list of blogs:

Magic Love Crow
Wiccan Writes
Cottage Tails
Rasz Art
Foxy's World
Eilis in Wonderland
Cherry City Kitties
Cheapskate Blethering

A ~ Artist. For as long as I can remember I have always loved to draw and create crafts. Many of which I use in my Wiccan practice.
B ~ Beloved by my fur babies
C ~Clergy for Universal Life Church since 2003
D ~ Dispise injustice and cruelty
E ~ Embrace the Wiccan path 
F ~  Friendly
G ~ Graceful. (actually, that is not entirely true, but I can dream can't I? LOL)
H ~ Happy to help anyone in need
I ~ Impractical at times
J ~ Just a gal tries to be the best person she possibly can
K ~ Knowledgable in the Wiccan ways
L ~ Love cats!!!
M ~ Mermaids. I am an avid collector of various Mermaid things
N ~ Never tolerate predjudice
O ~ Over 40! LOL!
P ~ Practice the 13 goals of a witch every day
Q ~ Quite laid back actually
R ~ Relate to others problems fairly easily
S ~ Savor the special moments in my life and those persons I hold dear to me
T ~ Take my personal faith very seriously
U ~ Undeniably friendly
V ~ Very responsible  :)

W ~ Worship the Mother Goddess and Father God
X ~ Extremely open-minded
Y ~ Yurn to endure life's many challenges
Z ~ Hmm, tough one, I would have to say Z's as in I can never get enough of those these days!  ;)

Shew! And there you have it! :)

Looking forward to Spring at last!!

Greetings all! I hope everyone had a very blessed Imbolg! As per usual, things have been a tad hectic for the past couple of months. As most of you probably already know, my father was admitted into Reading Hospital on New Year's Eve and remained there for a total of three weeks. From there, he was sent directly to Manor Care Rehab Hospice facility for another three weeks. I am happy to be able to say that huge thanks to his awesome doctors and nurses who did a great job in contributing to his recovery (and his extremely positive attitude the entire time), he is finally back home again where he belongs. 

A pic of my dad, me and my mom taken on Thanksgiving Day ~ 2013

 Meanwhile, our beloved kitty, Mr. Midnight, is continuing with his Laser Therapy sessions at Eagle's Peak Animal Hospital for his athritis. His Vet Technician and Therapist, Danielle, who has been documenting her patients progress from session to session showed me the videos she had recently been making and I must say that it simply astounded me!! Dogs and cats in need of therapy after a major surgery and even animals who were paralyzed and could barely walk not only recovered very quickly, but most after only one or two treatments were running around shaking there behinds in excitement. It has done wonders for Midnight and now he only needs to go for his treatments about once a month. This is such a great alternative to putting your pet on meds and it REALLY DOES work!!!

Danielle treating her "star patient" Midnight

We also bought a really cool  handmade carpeted ramp for him for those off days when he needs a little help getting up and down on the sofa ...

Well, I don't know about you guys, but around these parts we are sooo ready for Spring! The winter has been quite brutal this year and the horrible snow fall mixed with ice began about a week before Yule and continued to give us bad weather conditions every single week after ...

With Ostara and the Spring Equinox soon approaching, the temperatures are gradually warming up here, but suffice it to say, we are ALL impatiently waiting for Spring!