Sunday, June 29, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage Laws in PA

Living in Pennsylvania my entire life, I can honestly say that their State laws have always been rigid and, to say the very least, reserved! Such had been the case in regards to same-sex/gay marriage. As a ULC ordained Pagan Clergy, it is my responsibility to keep up with ALL State marriage laws throughout the United States to ensure legality.

For many years, there had been a ban on same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania. However, on May 20, 2014, all that changed thanks to a U.S. federal district judge who ruled the ban on recognizing same-sex marriage unconstitutional. And, indeed, it was.

To me, this had not been so much of a "liberal" issue as it was a "human" one. Let us not forget that before the Universal Life Church came into existence, any couple who belonged to an "unrecognized faith" could not get legally married in most, if not all, states. Hence, of course, further proving my point that "church" and "state" should be kept two separate entities. As far as I am concerned, to each their own. My motto is, and always has been to "live and let live!" 

Much like Judge Judy, I am of the opinion that as long as you are a good citizen, pay your taxes, and you work, you should have all the rights and responsibilities as everyone else. No one has the right to dictate to someone else exactly "how" they should live in regards to their personal lives and what they should believe in (and what they should not). 

I actually own three of Judge Judy Sheindlin's awesome books ~ "Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining," "Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever," and "You're Smarter Than You Look."  I love these books! Unlike her on-screen persona which may seem quite "too no-nonsense and to the point" for some, her books are excellent. They combine her life and career experiences throughout her many years as a presiding family court judge with a bit of real-life humor.

Whether or not one likes her, she is a strong supporter of same-sex marriage and has performed them throughout her career as a judge, stating that, "One of the loveliest weddings I performed was with a gay couple. This is a couple who had been together for almost two decades. They love and adore each other and I don't think they could have loved and adored each other any more than if they were a heterosexual couple then (if) they are a gay couple."

The bottom line, and regardless of religion and/or state, we are all children of the Goddess and God ~ of the divine universe which created us all. As a member of the Pagan Clergy, I, personally, welcome this new change!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Unlucky with 'Murphy,' Lucky with friends!

I am sure that everyone has heard of "Murphy's Law" ... You know, the guy that is the equivalent of the old adage which says, "If anything can go wrong, it will!" Or, as my dear dad always likes to say whenever things go terribly awry, "We have the luck of the 'Lorah's' LOL!! (Lorah is my maiden, of course) ... ;)

Anyway, at my husband's insistence, we finally took our car to the (albeit horrible) State Farm Insurance Company to get appraised, (or, rather should I say trashed as they so without much thought decided to total my car just as I warned my hubby they would)! Yes, even after I spent the $419.60 to get the cracked windshield replaced in order to make it drivable for work, they still choose to put me through the wringer! Needless to say, both State Farm and I will be parting company just as soon as this whole mess is over.

Now, anyone who knows anything about Pennsylvania State laws knows that they are complete morons here!!! Seriously. In order to keep my car as opposed to signing a Power of Attorney for it over to the insurance company to give to them (thereby, of course, accepting the measly amount of insurance money they offered us for the car which would definately not be sufficient enough to purchase another decent used car like the one I already own), we would have to apply through the State and pay for a "Salvage" title in our name. Which means, of course, I would not be allowed to drive my car until it was re-inspected at a PA State-approved Inspection Station/Garage and the new title came through. If I relented and signed our car over to the State, the insurance company would take our car the very next day, leaving me without a way back and forth to work for goddess knows how long! Yeah, like that's going to happen ... NOT!!

Sounds like fun, eh? Well, the good news is that there is a light at the end of this ludicrous little tunnel, and that is that we have a great family support system. Our families have always been there for us and for that we are extremely blessed! Also, no matter what, I am fortunate enough to have awesome friends who somehow manage to come through for me when I need them the most. In this case, it may just well be my good friend, co-worker and cat-sitter, Judy. 

Judy is such a sweetheart and has been such a good friend to me over the years! A couple of years ago, her sister was looking to get rid of her brand new 2-piece sofa set (which she had only had for about a year) because she had bought another living room set. Judy took me over to meet her sister and look at the sofa. The very next day, her sister not only gave me the sofa set for free, she also insisted on paying to have it delivered to our house! ...

Today while she and I were just chatting at work, she mentioned to me that her neighbors who had just recently retired are moving to Florida in a couple of months and are selling one of their cars because they now only need one between the two of them. It is a silver-colored 2000 Toyota Camry which had been kept in a garage most of the time. She told me that she had test-driven it herself and it is a really nice car - certainly good enough for me to use for work everyday. Hubby and I are planning on taking a look at it sometime next week. 

We are keeping our fingers crossed. As for Murphy, well, he can buy his own stinkin' car!"  LOL!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blessed Litha! (and the winner is ...)

Happy Summer Solstice everyone! The devine Goddess and God have now officially blessed us all with the season of summer! Around here, we also call it, Midsummer and, in celebration, we honor the faeries of the woodland as well by leaving them an offering. In keeping with that tradition, our group always exchanges little gifts between one other after ritual. It is really a lot of fun! (for my Solitary Midsummer/Litha ritual, please click on this link)

Okay, now on to announce the winner of the Midsummer/Litha Wiccan Life Giveaway! Since I always recruit a bit of help from my kitties, I asked Mr. Midnight to pick a name for me ...

And the winner of the Midsummer/Litha wreath is Dragonfly Dncr! Congratulations! ...

BUT WAIT! I have another little surprise for my friend Bonnie S. whose birthday just so happens to be TODAY! Bonnie, I am sending you one of my handmade Midsummer/Litha wreaths ... :)


As always, the winner has three days after the date of this post to please send me an address in which to mail their prize at otherwise another name will be picked in their place. 

Thanks to ALL who participated in my giveaway and Brightest Blessings to everyone for a very Blessed Midsummer/Litha!!

(Photo credit: Brandon Racine)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just a small reminder!

Greetings all! This is just a little reminder about my "Wiccan Life Midsummer/Litha Wreath" Giveaway drawing this Saturday, June 21st!!!!

Brightest Blessings,


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A funny little story ...

Last week while my hubby and I were driving in the horrible traffic in Scranton on our way to see the Journey/Steve Miller Band concert, we ended up bumper to bumper with a truck load of teenagers stopped right aside of us.  I saw them pointing and  laughing really hard at my hail-damaged car and I said to my husband, "My poor little car! Those kids have some nerve laughing at it!"

Then the next morning, I realized exactly "why" they were so amuzed after I walked out into the driveway to use my car and saw the big white decal sticker still displayed on the back of my windshield ...

You see, we bought my car from a used car dealership named, "John's Great Cars." I loved the car so much that my husband scratched off everything, BUT the words, "GREAT CAR!" Only then, I couldn't help myself but to laugh as well!   :-D

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The ties that bind ...

With my mother-in-law's birthday today and also Father's Day being tomorrow, somehow it only seemed appropriate that Willow, my very dear friend and sister of 22 years, and I would finally get the chance to get together after all these years! Even though we have managed to keep in touch with one another, our busy day-to-day lives always makes it extremely difficult to actually see each other and do some real catching up!

The other day, she had messaged me a copy of her latest beautiful poem, "Call to Me" which she allowed me to publish via the post before this one, and she mentioned that she was going to be in my area of PA (she, her hubby & children live in Philipsburg, PA) to pick up an Angora bunny for her business Tillie Lane Farm. And so, we had decided to grab this wonderful window of opportunity for which we had waited so long!

We exchanged a few gifts and she gave me this gorgeous Jade necklace and bracelet set which she had bought for me on one of she and her hubby's trips to China ...

... And, a couple of really awesome handcrafted bars of soap made by one of her good friend's at "Happy Valley Handcrafted" ...

Mineral Sea Salt Soap "Dragon's Blood" and Goat Milk Soap "Witches Brew"

I was actually thinking about making her a special handmade wreath, but did not know what she would like ~ and so I had asked her pick out her own ... ;)

 Large "Holiday Cat Blessed Be" wreath

Large "Midsummer Faerie" wreath

and a small "Midsummer" wreath for her kiddos!!!

We enjoyed a really wonderful day with great weather! Thank you so much for visiting, sis! Tomorrow, hubby and I will spend the day visiting with family.  :)


Thursday, June 12, 2014

"Call to Me" ~ A very beautiful poem by Willow

Call to Me
  •  Searching for my sacred tree
     The mighty oak in front of me
     Standing tall, ruling the land 
    Your bark so rough under my hand

    Could I ever endure like you?
    Can I shelter more than a few?
    I love you, strong and powerful tree
    But all you are isn't reflected in me

    Off in the distance a row of pine
    Standing so tall all in a line
    Needles so sharp, cones so vast
    A thought in my head of the distant past

    I remember you love, from childhood days
    Under your arms I used to play
    As special as you are to me
    My magical self you cannot be

    The maple planted in my yard
    Is the picture of both soft and hard
    For all creatures to feast upon
    Witness to all who cross my lawn

    The tree of knowledge is what they say
    Standing strong with little sway
    That doesn't describe me though
    So my spirit calls out the answer no

    Then I come across a willow tree
    And her spirit cries out to me
    "Look inside your heart, my dear
    The answer is now crystal clear"

    Our spirits joined in harmony
    Me and my sacred tree
    Both tough, not hard; emotional too
    I knew what she said was true

    I call to her now every day
    Beneath her branches I sit and pray
    In honor of this blessed tree
    Please say Willow when you call to me

     ~ Willow 

    This very elegant poem was written by one of my oldest and dearest of friends in the world, Willow. She shared it with me and upon reading it, I loved it so much that I so wanted to share it with all of you as well!

    Thank you, my sweet sister, for allowing me to do so. You have always written so beautifully!   <3

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Unbelievable Night!!!

What can I say? I am totally speechless (well, not literally speaking) LOL!!!! Last night, hubby and I attended the "Journey/Steve Miller Band" concert at Toyota Pavillian in Scranton, PA. WOW!!! What a spectacular show! Both The Steve Miller Band AND Journey sounded so awesome!!! Hubby, who doesn't normally listen to my type of music, told me that he thoroughly enjoyed himself!!!  :)

The Steve Miller Band opened for them. We got some GREAT SHOTS from where we were seated ...

 "The Joker"

"Jet Airliner"

The concert was supposed to start at 6:45PM, but the traffic was sooo horribly bad that one of the tour buses with police escort drove past us while we were waiting in traffic! We arrived there about an hour later and caught the beginning of The Steve Miller Band (another opening act named "Tower of Power" was scheduled to perform before they did), who was so great that they had everyone dancing in their seats!

Then, Journey made their appearance. With their absolutely incredible lead singer, Arnel Pineda, they exuberated so much awesome energy! They played both their new music with Arnel and their classic 70's & 80's hits. It was so much fun and the crowd was so into it that there was no way that anyone could possibly have been in any other mood other than good while watching them perform on stage!

Fabulous front man, Arnel Pineda! Everyone LOVED him!

The very talened Jonathan Cain's extremely beautiful & elegant piano intro to the song, "Open Arms" was simply breath-taking!

Lead guitarist, Neal Schon played flawlessly!

Arnel enlists a little help through audience participation ... what a terrific showman!

 The encore ~ "Loving, Touching, Squeezing"
What more can I say? It was just an unforgettable night!!

(All photos/Photo credit: Brett Witycyak/Cyddhartha)

Sunday, June 08, 2014

This and That ...

Greetings all, I hope everyone is having a fab weekend! As you know, hubby and I attended the 24th Annunal WWII Weekend event on Saturday here in Reading, PA and the weather couldn't have been more beautiful. Usually it is extremely HOT and humid and I can only stand the heat for a couple of hours until I walk home (we only live a few blocks away from the venue). 

Here are only a couple of pics we took. The one of my hubby and I was taken by a very nice reenactor and patron who was more than happy to take the time to help us out ...

The awesome USO Show which drew quite the crowd!

Next, since a few members have expressed their interest in a Wiccan Life Midsummer/Litha Giveaway, I have decided to have one. As always, the same rules in order to enter apply:

1) You must be a follower of this blog as the giveaways are my way of thanking everyone for joining me here!  :)

2) And, (for those of you who haven't already done so in my previous posts), you must let me know that you are interested by leaving a message in the comment section of  this post.

The drawing is set for Saturday, June 21st after which the winner will be announced here. They will then have three days to claim their prize before another name would be picked. ;)

Brightest Blessings,


Saturday, June 07, 2014

Finally ... Journey!

 "Separate Ways (World's Apart)" ~ Journey
(Please click on the link under the pic to watch this incredible performance, not the pic)

I am SO pumped! This Tuesday night, hubby and I have tickets to go see the 80's group, "Journey" live in concert! They will be performing at The Toyota Pavilion At Montage Mountainon on June 10th along with the legendary Steve Miller Band. 

 "The Joker" ~ The Steve Miller Band

After their lead singer, Steve Perry, left to pursue a solo career they went looking for another front man. Then, after finding a young man from the Philippines named Arnel Pineda on You Tube, they knew their search was finally over. Arnel is an amazing vocalist and incredibly talented! The other day, I was actually watching some old footage of him on You Tube. His voice is so versatile that he can sing pretty much anything well, including Led Zepplin.

To give you an idea of just how talented he is, I remember a couple of years ago I was cleaning in the kitchen when I heard the song, "Separate Ways" on TV.  I immediately thought to myself, "Oh wow, there must be an old Journey concert on PBS or something." So I ran into the living room expecting to see Steve Perry (I do so love him), but instead it was Arnel! I was simply blown away by him. What a voice ~ I just adore this guy!

Now, I will finally get the chance to see Journey live in concert after all these years!  CAN'T WAIT!   :-) 

"Any Way You Want It" ~ Journey (featuring Arnel Pineda)

Thursday, June 05, 2014

The 24th Annual WWII Weekend at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum

This weekend marks the 24th Annual Mid-Atlantic Air Museum's WWII Weekend gathering at the Reading Regional Airport. Every year, thousands of people from all over gather to honor our veterans and to commemorate our history's D-Day. There are dozens of exhibitions, authentic planes, fabulous USO shows with awesome big band music and dancing, skirmishes, air shows, guest WWII veteran speakers whom you can speak to and even take their picture and get their autograph, food, live entertainment and much, much more. 

Guest speaker, WWII veteran Richard Cole answers questions from the audience

Both my hubby and I usually attend every single year along with our friends and Solitary Wiccan group members, Draco and Rhiannon ...

Our long-time and very dear friends: My twin soul Rhiannon & her hubby Draco all dressed up for the WWII Weekend event

Draco & Rhiannon during our sabbat celebrations ...

I, personally, enjoy watching the USO shows ... GREAT entertainment for all! ...

"Sing! Sing!Sing!"  by Benny Goodman
 "Boogie Woogie Bugel Boy (live at the USO show)" by The Manhattan Dolls

And, they are calling for some really gorgeous weather for the next couple of days here in Reading, PA!! Enjoy your weekend everyone!!