Saturday, October 04, 2014

Fun Books for the Holidays!

Last weekend while at the "Celtic Classic" I walked into a book store and found this really cool book on how to make holiday decorations using a pair of scissors and paper called, "Pennsylvania Dutch Halloween Scherenschnitte" written and illustrated by Peter V. Fritsch. The word "scherenschnitte" means "scissors cutting" and refers to the cutting of paper. It is somewhat simular to the Japanese art of origami, but has been taught to Amish children by their families for generations. 

Basically, it is very much like something I learned as a child myself in elementary school art class making all kinds of decorations by folding a piece of paper in half and cutting different shapes around it. A lot of fun for kids and parents alike!

This next book is one which brings back a lot of fond memories for me. It is a children's book called, "The Witch, the Cat, and the Baseball Bat" by Syd Hoff. I first read this book while in the fourth grade when our teacher had our entire class pick out a book to read to the kindergarten class. I loved it so much that I chose this book to read to the kids! It was such an awesome experience because I vividly remember the expressions on their little faces as they intently listened to me read to them while showing them each and every colorful action picture on all of the pages.

This particular book; however, is so old that it has long since been out of print, but the good news is that you can still find a used one to purchase on Amazon Books.



  1. Willow said ... Aiden loves oragami! I bet he would like both of these!

  2. I love both these books! I have to see if I can find them around where I am. Thanks for sharing Kim ;o) Hugs ;o)
